Breitbart’s Nolte rips St. Louis Mayor over police defunding aspirations

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ST LOUIS, MO – In a recent report from Breitbart News, contributor John Nolte said he has “zero sympathy for the people of St. Louis,” after they elected a Democratic mayor intent on defunding the police while experiencing “the highest murder rate in 50 years.”

Back in April, Law Enforcement Today reported on the runoff mayoral race that was won by former St. Louis Treasurer Tishaura Jones.

During her campaigning for mayor, Jones was fairly outspoken on efforts to defund the police, despite her not necessarily using that exact phraseology.

Instead, Jones advocated for reallocating funds from police budgets to fund the likes of mental health services, substance abuse centers and jobs training programs.

But no matter how one phrases it, taking funds away allocated for a police budget and putting them somewhere else is tantamount to defunding the police.

As we also reported earlier in May, Mayor Jones had already put into motion, alongside the support of city Comptroller Darlene Greene, to defund the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department by $4 million.

Breitbart News contributor John Nolte acknowledged Mayor Jones’ agenda items, while noting the troubling murder rate afflicting the city, and said that he has “zero sympathy” for the residents of St. Louis since they elected this person who campaigned on defunding the police:

“I feel zero sympathy for the people of St. Louis. None. Just last month, amid a soaring murder rate, the highest murder rate in 50 years, as well as the highest in the country, the idiots of St. Louis still voted to elect a Democrat as mayor, a lunatic named Tishaura Jones who made no secret of her desire to make things worse, much worse.”

 Read full story here: Source: Breitbart’s Nolte rips St. Louis Mayor over police defunding aspirations

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