BREAKING: Senate Committee Advances Act to Prohibit U.S. Partnerships with Chinese Biopharma Companies

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March 6, 2024: Today, the US Senate Homeland Security & Government Affairs Committee advanced (R) Mike Gallagher’s BIOSECURE Act with an overwhelming 11-to-1 vote. The Act would prohibit the US government from funding Chinese biotech companies that pose a threat to national security and prohibit U.S. pharma companies from working with certain Chinese manufacturers, including Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle partner WuXi Biologics.

Rand Paul Casts Loan Vote of Dissention

Per ENDPOINT News, “(the bill) is part of a wider push from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to limit China’s influence in the US. That thinking is gaining political steam, but industry has said that these laws would also make business difficult for a large number of biopharma companies that rely on Chinese companies for clinical research and manufacturing support.”

The article goes on to state that, “WuXi and other companies named in the bill have also made clear that if this legislation is signed into law, the impact would be felt across the country because of how many partners they work with.”

China Prefers to Keep Their US Biopharma Partnerships Secret for Economic Reasons

The negative impact on China’a economy by simply investigating the use of Chinese Biopharma partners for conducting clinical trials and manufacturing products by U.S. Biopharma companies was poignantly clear when the Hong Kong Stock Exchange had to suspend WuXi trading on December 1, 2023, the day after Texas Attorney General Paxton filed a lawsuit against Pfizer (WuXi’s #1 mRNA nanoparticle customer).

Per ENDPOINT News, Rand Paul cast the only dissenting vote against the BIOSECURE Act, claiming that its passage will give an advantage to certain companies by banning their Chinese partners and this would lead to Americans paying higher prices.

The major challenge with Rand Paul’s position against the BIOSECURE Act is that his argument is based on the false premise that Americans are aware that we are receiving diagnostic tests, medications, and mRNA gene editing biotechnology products from Chinese companies that pose a catastrophic threat to national security and our public health safety because these companies are likely under the control the Chinese government and military.

The fact is that the majority of US citizens and politicians are unaware that Pfizer and other US Biopharma companies are partners with Chinese biopharma for the clinical trials, research and development, and manufacturing of biotechnology products, including the COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle products and injections, as well as PCR tests.

Read full story: BREAKING: Senate Committee Advances Act to Prohibit U.S. Partnerships with Chinese Biopharma Companies

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