BREAKING: Now Another County is Suspending Its Certification of Arizona’s Election Out of ‘Solidarity’

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Another Arizona county is joining in with Cochise County’s decision to hold off on certifying the state election until November 28.

“Mohave County has voted to delay certification of election results until Nov. 28,” Garrett Archer reported on Twitter. “BOS member says it is a political statement of solidarity with other counties that have delayed certification.”

Dr. Kelli Ward commented on the news in a Twitter post.

“Voters in all rural counties in Arizona are being disenfranchised by Maricopa County’s incompetence/malfeasance,” Ward stated. “I’m happy to see that my county (Mohave) voted to delay certification.”

Kari Lake recently posted a brand new message to the People of Arizona and of the United States on the state of her campaign. Watch:

As reported earlier, a legal effort in red Cochise County to conduct a full “hand recount” audit of the ballots was legally quelled, due in part to the efforts of Democratic superlawyer Marc Elias.

However, a judge from Pima County who was tasked with the lawsuit due to change of venue said that a smaller hand recount was allowed under state law.

Judge Casey McGinley noted that “state law directs a small number of ballots cast in precincts and a fraction of mail-in ballots to get counted by hand, and for additional hand counting only when significant discrepancies are found,” according to Arizona Republic.

However, despite the defeat of the Republican county supervisors’ legal efforts to force a full hand recount, the county is delaying certification of the state election results until November 28.

“Tom Rice, Brian Steiner and Daniel Wood managed to persuade the two Republicans who control the Cochise County board of supervisors that their claims were valid enough for them to delay the certification until a Nov. 28 deadline,” the AP reported.

The state’s election cannot be certified in Arizona until all counties have certified the results. Governor’s candidate Kari Lake and Arizona Secretary of State candidate Mark Finchem have not conceded in their races, while Attorney General candidate Abraham “Abe” Hamadeh trails in his race by approximately 570 votes. A recount is triggered in races that fall within a margin of 0.5% under state law.

Kari Lake’s margin in her race with Katie Hobbs is at 0.6%, just outside the legal parameters for an automatic recount. The Maricopa County voting disruption on Election Day has been argued by some critics to be tantamount to “voter suppression.”

Arizona Governor’s candidate Kari Lake is pointing to an explosive letter from the Office of the Attorney General to the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office as further evidence that she “will become governor.”

Lake told The Daily Mail on Saturday that she still believes she will become governor of Arizona.

“The way they run elections in Maricopa County is worse than in banana republics around this world,” she said in an exclusive interview, referring to Maricopa County.

“And I’ll tell you what, I believe at the end of the day that this will be turned around and I don’t know what the solution will be but I still believe I will become governor, and we are going to restore honesty to our elections,” she added.

In another interview, Lake touted her legal team and said what happened in the Arizona election is “unforgiveable.”

“Rest assured I have assembled the best and brightest legal team, and we are exploring every avenue to correct the many wrongs that have been done this past week,” Lake said in a video Thursday. “I’m doing everything in my power to right these wrongs.”

“What happened to Arizonans on Election Day is unforgivable,” she said.

According to Maricopa County election officials, at least 60 voting locations experienced issues with their ballot-on-demand printers. A new report suggests that printer/tabulator failures on election day occuurred at 62.61% of the vote centers.


Kari Lake Points to Explosive Letter from Arizona AG to Maricopa County as Reason She ‘Will Become Governor’

The post BREAKING: Now Another County is Suspending Its Certification of Arizona’s Election Out of ‘Solidarity’ appeared first on Becker News.


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