Branch Covidians Unleashing Covid Tyranny Round 2 – Be Ready!

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The totalitarian forces behind the tyranny unleashed under the guise of “public health” in 2020 are cranking up the hysteria and trying to bring about round 2 of the COVID madness, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. From new mask mandates to a new COVID booster, the fear-mongering is being cranked up to support the same exact policies that have hurt so many billions in recent years. This is a Deep State operation to undermine freedom and has nothing to do with public health, warns Newman. It is time for people everywhere to say NO.

Watch the full episode at The Liberty Sentinel.

 The next wave of COVID tyranny is just around the corner, and Alex Newman, an award-winning international journalist, interviews the best experts and freedom fighters to weigh in on how YOU can stop it.

With almost 700,000 views, this video has gone viral across many social media platforms. Please share this with your friends and family so that we can start a grassroots movement to nip this evil in the bud. Stay informed by visiting to find breaking developments and action items that will equip you to push back against COVID tyranny round two.


Source: Branch Covidians Unleashing Covid Tyranny Round 2. Be Ready!

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