Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology…

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…Warfare Applications Of Attacking Populations Through Their Microbiome And Immune System

Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology

I would like to draw attention to this Department of Defense sponsored paper explaining how synthetic biology can be used for warfare purposes. Note that one stealth attack of humans is to attack or modify the gut microbiome, which affects the immune system and mental health. Interestingly, the Covid 19 bioweapon injections and the original Covid weapon did just that, modify the microbiome. I have been arguing that polymer plastics are involved in the toxicity of the C19 bioweapons that self spread. Clinically, I have seen many people complain about gastrointestinal problems, like diarrhea, nausea, bloating, cramping, lack of appetite, extreme fatigue and brainfog after eating food, especially meat. I had shown that meat is a source of extreme contamination.

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The specific dual use application, meaning military and civilian is what we need to explore and be informed about.


Synthetic biology collectively refers to concepts, approaches, and tools that enable the modification or creation of biological organisms. While the goals of synthetic biology are beneficial, these capabilities also could be used to cause harm. This report assesses the security concerns raised by synthetic biology in order to inform efforts to mitigate potential threats. The age of synthetic biology has brought with it opportunities to transform approaches to treating disease, manufacturing chemicals, producing fuels, remediating contaminants, and numerous other applications with benefits to humankind.

Some synthetic biology capabilities, however, have dual use potentialthat is, they can be misdirected to cause harm to humans, animals, plants, and the environment. Synthetic biology makes possible new types of weapons and adversaries that the United States’ approach to biodefense was not originally designed to counter.

Making informed decisions about whether and how to mitigate potential malicious uses of synthetic biology requires a realistic assessment of security concerns. To that end, the U.S. Department of Defense, working with other agencies involved in biodefense, asked the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to develop a framework to guide an assessment of the security concerns related to advances in synthetic biology, to assess the levels of concern warranted for such advances, and to identify options that could help mitigate those concerns.

Synthetic biology concepts, approaches, and tools do not, in and of themselves, pose inherent harm. Rather, concerns derive from the specific applications or capabilities synthetic biology might enable. The report outlines a framework for assessing concerns related to synthetic biology-enabled capabilities (Figure 1). In its deliberations, the committee used this framework along with its members’ subject matter expertise to analyze specific capabilities in terms of each of four factors: usability of the technology, usability as a weapon, requirements of actors, and potential for mitigation. In addition

Of the potential capabilities assessed, three currently warrant the most concern: re-creating known pathogenic viruses, making existing bacteria more dangerous, and making harmful biochemicals via in situ synthesis. The first two capabilities are of high concern due to usability of the technology. The third capability, which involves using microbes to produce harmful biochemicals in humans, is of high concern because its novelty challenges potential existing mitigation options.

Here are the ways that synthetic biology can be used in a weaponized way. What is described is also known as…


Read full story here: Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology: Warfare Applications Of Attacking Populations Through Their Microbiome And Immune System

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