Big Pharma’s ‘Emergency Use Authorization’ Vaccine Approval Scam | Principia Scientific Intl.

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Written by Bob Trimper

Evil Big Pharma fooled us. We were conned to believe there was ‘crisis’ pandemic. An untested and problematic vaccine was rushed through so the world could be given a jab against our will and at grave risk to our health.

The Emergency Use Authorization (EAU) for the Experimental Gene Therapy (being unlawfully called a vaccine) by Pfizer and Moderna, was issued based on the premise that there was nothing else available to fight Sars-CoV-2 and the resulting disease called CoVID-19. [1]

Since the EUA was issued, The CDC, WHO, and the AMA have all retracted their statements saying that hydroxychloroquine + zinc is either dangerous and/or ineffective.  In addition, according to the CDC website they have over estimated their CoVID-19 cases and deaths by 1,600%. Furthermore, as anticipated, they have told the RT-PCR “testing” centers to run the amplification cycle fewer times to reduce the false positive results.  Not more than 35 amplifications.

This will make it look like things are getting better because the “vaccine”, social distancing, and masks are working.  All this while the RT-PCR is not even a valid way of testing for a virus or an infection or a disease process.

The inventor of the PCR warned us all that this was a huge problem.


Read the full story: Source: Big Pharma’s ‘Emergency Use Authorization’ Vaccine Approval Scam | Principia Scientific Intl.


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