Big Pharma and Biotech Can Not ‘Elect’ to Be Above the Law, Despite What Experts Say

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This story is from Karen Kingston substack.

When an individual has a tremendous amount of credibility due to their impressive credentials and a ‘celebrity-like status,’ they automatically earn the public’s trust. Trust is an emotionally based belief, not an intellectually based belief. When we trust someone, we believe what they say because we put our trust in the person and not in evidence or facts.

On October 27, 2022,Dr. Robert Malone published a Substack article entitled, mRNA Vaccines and EUA. In paragraph three (3) of the article, Dr. Malone claims, “All of the mRNA vaccine doses administered in the United States (to both citizens and military personnel) have been provided under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)…”

Dr. Malone continues to write that, “the firms (PFIZER/BioNTech) have elected to not manufacture, distribute, or market these licensed products in the United States.

In the context of the pharma industry Dr. Malone’s written statements are consideredfalse claims. In the context of American’s retaliatory legal rights and the EUA immunity that PFIZER/BioNTech want us to believe they still have, Dr. Malone’s written claims are deceptive.


Dr. Malone’s false statements confirm what PFIZER wants us to believe, that we have no power to take civil and criminal actions against the Big Pharma Giant and their biotech partners.

“These products (PFIZER mRNA vaccines) remain experimental, and are only to be used for a limited amount of time during an ongoing emergency.”  – Dr. Robert Malone,Vaccines and EUA,October 27, 2022


In regards to the US Military,PFIZER manufactured and shipped FDA-approved COMIRNATY to the US military in June of this year. I cover the FDA/PFIZER and government documents, photographs of the FDA- approved COMIRNATY vials that were shipped to his military base, and audio-video footage of a soldier’s testimony hold the COMIRNATY vials on Brannon Howse on June 29, 2022, and in this article.


I published a draft letter detailing some of PFIZER’s violations under the FD&C Act, and an article on October 25, 222, detailing some of PFIZER’s criminal violations.

On October 12, 2022, I published an article detailing PFIZER’s manufacturing, distribution and marketing of their FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccines. PFIZER/BioNTech have the COMIRNATY website marketing their FDA-approved mRNA COVID-19 vaccines to children 12 years of age and older and adults residing in the United States.


Dr. Malone’s written written claim that PFIZER has“elected to not engage in marketing,” is the most egregious, blatant gaslighting of the U.S. consumer market, I have ever witnessed in my 25 years of working in the pharma/biotech industry.

I can not emphasize this enough, PFIZER’s EUA shield was broken on August 23, 2021 because the FDA approved PFIZER’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccines AND because PFIZER immediately engaged in interstate distribution and marketing of their FDA-approved COMIRNATY per the BLA’s statement that there would be an issuance of a ‘Dear Healthcare Worker,’ letter.


Byde facto, PFIZER engaged in interstate commerce and marketing of an FDA-approved product through the issuance of this letter, thereby terminating the EUA liability shield for PFIZER.

OnNovember 11, 2021, Edward Szall reported on a military lawsuit on the Stew Peters Show, in which he obtained a copy of the Dear Healthcare Provider Letter and BLA-compliant lots (FDA-approved COMIRNATY).

In December of 2021, I worked with an analyst from Elsevier to document the adverse events caused by PFIZER’s FDA-approvedCOMIRNATYby lot number.


As of December 2021, there were 197 reported deaths, 395 disabilities, 1,666 hospitalizations, and 889 life-threatening events in the VAERS database caused by COMIRNATY. This is more than enough evidence to terminate the FDA-approval and recall all of PFIZER’s mRNA vaccines, both EUA and FDA-approved, under the FD&C Act and EUA laws.

PFIZER, as well as organizations and individuals who are contracted to act on behalf of PFIZER, engaging in ‘deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce (EUA vaccine sales),’ can also be charged and prosecuted under the laws of the Federal Trade Commissions Act.


The level of level of trust the public has in someone is based on the person’s credibility. The more credentials and celebrity status a person has, the more credibility they have and the more that person is trusted. This means they can say almost anything and not be questioned or criticized.

When we trust someone, not only do we believe what they say, we develop an emotional bond to them. Often, we view a trusted person as someone who is personally defending or protecting us. At a subconscious level, the emotional bond could be similar to the way a child trusts their mom or dad to protect and defend them.

This is (in part) whyit is very difficult, if not impossible, for someone with little credibility to question or criticize someone with high credibility without being attacked or annihilated.

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The most common question I am asked when providing evidence that contradicts a trusted expert’s claims is, “Have you spoken to that person?”

To be fair,Dr. Malone and I have not spoken to each other. I made efforts to reach out to him after he posted a link in my Gettr feed ‘calling me a troll.’ (He posted a link to a video he madecalling people who criticize his statements trolls.)


I did receive two phone calls this week from two separate colleagues of Dr. Malone who work closely with him. To summarize the gist of both the calls, I was told that I don’t know what I’m talking about and advised to no longer put forth scientific or legal documents that contradict what Dr. Malone or other experts are saying. If I continue to do so, my credibility will be destroyed and no one will believe me, or the documents I present.

That was the gist of the conversation. Personally, I would have preferred if the calls were to arrange for Dr. Malone and I to talk with one another, but that didn’t happen.

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I forgive these individuals for their fear-based reaction when confronted with the truth. ‘Shooting the messenger’ is a normal reaction when an individual or group of individuals feel threatened.

Many scientific, legal, and medical experts who have spoken out against the COVID-19 mandates and vaccines have risen to a celebrity-like status. It is human nature to be fearful of losing that status.

In genuine efforts to help others, many people can get wrapped up in the fame and influence they acquire along the way and forget the true purpose of why they started speaking out in the first place. One’s concerns; can and often will, change from serving others to serving self.

I pray that these individuals, Dr. Malone included, understand how to love and serve God first so that they may love and serve humanity through God’s love. Any fear about making honest mistakes and the public not trusting you anymore goes away when you put your trust in God.

To those reading this article, I don’t ask that you believe me. I ask that you believe in yourself and know that you have the intelligence and discernment to recognize the truth when presented with evidence and facts.

My point is, beliefs, in the forms of words and ideas, are the most powerful weapons we have against the enemies who want to destroy America and humanity. If we continue to blindly trust individuals who make deceptive statements and empty promises, then the future of America and our children will be a very a bleak dystopian world of unending perverse experimentations and technology-enforced human enslavement.

The most powerful action you can take right now is to know and share the TRUTH.

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2 Thessalonians 2: 9-10

“He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.”

The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS.


*Source: Big Pharma and Biotech Can Not ‘Elect’ to Be Above the Law, Despite What Experts Say

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