Biden’s woke, politicized CDC orders schools to make commitment to ‘LGBTQ inclusivity’

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When the precursory agency to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was founded in Atlanta, Ga., on July 1, 1946, it was envisioned to be an institution dedicated to work on malaria, typhus, and other infectious diseases. It was located down south, and not in Washington, D.C., because that’s where most of the malaria cases were.

Fast forward to the dusk of 2022, and the CDC has been politically weaponized into just another federal leviathan dedicated to the destruction of traditional culture in America, as evidenced by ‘instructions’ the agency has given to public schools that receive federal funds to be “inclusive” when it comes to LGBTQ students.

What that has to do with public health is a mystery.

In a tweet, the CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) said: “School administrators: Our LGBTQ inclusivity self-assessment tool can help you quickly gauge inclusivity at your school. See your score today and learn ways to increase inclusivity.”

“Schools play a critical role in supporting the health and academic development of all youth, including the success of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) youth,” says an introduction to the tool. “Creating and sustaining inclusive school environments, policies, programs, and practices that include LGBTQ youth is one strategy for improving the health and academic success of all youth.

“Inclusive in this context refers to the presence of clear policies or practices that address the needs of LGBTQ students who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized due to factors such as sexual orientation and gender identity/expression,” it adds.

Under “Purpose,” the tool states:

To assist schools and districts in addressing the health and academic needs of LGBTQ students, this self-assessment tool was created to help school and district staff understand current policies, programs, and practices that may contribute to safe, inclusive environments where all youth can be successful. Within the context of this inclusivity self-assessment tool, school and district staff may include:

• School board leaders

• District/central office administrators

• School principals

• Instructional leaders/coaches

• Teachers

• Support staff/aides

• Health services staff (e.g., nurses, physicians, school-based health center staff)

• Resource officers

• Staff at community organizations working in partnership with a school district or school (e.g., not-for-profit organizations, faith-based institutions)

As Breitbart News reported further, the tool then asks leading questions about school staff and school officials regarding their faithfulness to queer theory, even going so far as to encourage sex education teachers (we used to learn about the sexes in biology class, by the way) to have gender-neutral anatomy and to refer to boys as a “body with a penis” and girls as a “body with a vagina.”

It also encourages teachers to decorate classrooms with LGBTQ logos and icons and pushes advocacy, such as the school becoming a member of the far-left “Gay/Straight Alliance,” which focuses on gay, not ‘straight.’

Pure lunacy, in other words.

“The CDC’s imprimatur on this ‘self-assessment tool’ — and the inclusion of numerous links to resources and activist organizations — amounts to little more than bullying teachers, administrators, and school health professionals who might have reservations about ‘affirmation’ and ‘inclusion’ efforts in schools,” Parents Defending Education founder and president Nicole Neily told Breitbart News. “It is troubling that the during a global pandemic, this is where the CDC’s efforts were focused.”

Troubling, to say the very least.

The one good thing is that parents, finally, are fighting back. Several conservative-leaning parents interested in preserving our culture and pushing back on this woke lunacy ran for and won local school board races in November all across the country. More will run next time without question.

That’s the only way we stop this madness: On the local level.


Source: Biden’s woke, politicized CDC orders schools to make commitment to ‘LGBTQ inclusivity’ –

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