Biden’s handlers working hard to crash the system: Airline pilots say prepare for chaos over refusal to take mandated COVID vaccine

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(Natural News) When a society functions properly, the people living in it take a lot of things for granted, like the serenity of stability.

As long as things run smoothly, people go about their daily lives without much to worry about or be concerned with.

But when things go awry and suddenly, what was once stable becomes unstable, chaos generally ensues because that is what panic foments.

Americans are no different and, in many ways, we are far more pampered by our own success than the vast majority of people on the planet. And we’re about ready to find out just what real chaos looks like.

Already there is major pushback against Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates for companies with 100 or more employees. And while a month has gone by since he made the announcement, on Thursday he said the Labor Department was about to issue an “emergency rule” mandating that companies with 100 or more employees must order them to be vaccinated for COVID-19.

That isn’t going to go over well, and in fact, major industries are already prepared to make all of us feel the pain, including the airlines because a growing number of pilots are not going to get one and if they don’t, they’ll be fired, and if they’re fired, guess what? They won’t be flying — passengers, cargo, or anything else we need to function in today’s modern society.

According to the site Team Tucker Carlson:

An airline pilot and activist for individual liberty told Fox News on Monday that situations such as…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Biden’s handlers working hard to crash the system: Airline pilots say prepare for chaos over refusal to take mandated COVID vaccine –

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