Biden regime to turn Christian doctors into MURDERERS by forcing them to perform abortions (or lose their medical license)

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(Natural News) It could soon be mandatory for doctors in America to perform abortions, even if their religious beliefs prohibit them from taking innocent human life.

A new mandate being put together by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as “an anti-sex discrimination provision within the Affordable Care Act” would force doctors to murder unborn children or else risk losing their medical license.

The plan for this mandate was discovered in a memorandum attached to a 74-page court filing from last November. Catholic News Service (CNS) reported that the memo:

“… revealed that HHS has promised to revise its mandates on health plan coverage and performance to include surgical abortion, cross-sex hormones, gender-transition surgeries, gender-affirming cosmetic surgeries and voice modification – along with a host of expanded services dealing with fertility treatments, contraception, abortifacients and sterilizations.”

Doug Wilson, CEO of the Colorado-based Catholic Benefits Association, announced that the mandate is “written to end Catholic health care.”

“The requirements are so far beyond Catholic teaching that Catholic employers of every sort would be faced with complying or shutting down,” he further said. “The general public has almost no awareness of what may be coming.”

Planned Parenthood executive expresses joy over possibility of forcing doctors to murder children

Back in 2019, then-President Donald Trump’s administration added a conscience protection rule to the law that prevents doctors, nurses, and other health care providers from being forced to offer or participate in any medical procedure that violates conscience or religious belief.

The Biden regime (aka Barack Hussein Obama) is seeking to overturn this clause and make it a requirement for everyone in the medical profession to rip an unborn child limb from limb and toss it in the trash can or else lose their job and livelihood.

“Added weight was given to the measure by allowing the federal government to withdraw taxpayer money from any institution that violated the conscience rights of its workers,” LifeSiteNews reported. “The rule was blocked by a federal judge after abortion advocates sued the Trump administration.”

According to CNS, the new mandate would likely apply to all health care providers, clinics, nursing homes, hospitals, group health insurers, and third-party administrators of self-funded plans.

“If the new regulation applies to all of those groups, it will effectively apply to all employers with a health plan,” says attorney Martin Nussbaum from the legal firm Nussbaum Speir Gleason, which advises the Colorado-based Catholic Benefits Association.

“The proposed regulation would also apply to all contractors of the previous groups, including my law firm. For Catholic hospital chains, it is hard to imagine how broad that group is.”

Nussbaum added further in a statement that the forthcoming HHS regulation presents an “existential threat” to Catholic health care because the penalties for non-compliance with it will likely include private enforcement, class-action lawsuits, and “qui tam” actions where individuals can file lawsuits as if they were the United States itself.

The penalties could also include loss of Medicare and Medicaid funding, or even imprisonment for health care executives who refuse to comply.

“Such sanctions can shut down any hospital network,” Nussbaum further warned.

Meanwhile, Jacqueline Ayers, senior vice president of policy, organizing, and campaigns at Planned Parenthood, is excited about the possibility that this new mandate comes into effect.

She is quoted as praising the Biden regime for seeking to “revoke this discriminatory policy and help ensure people can access the health care and information they need when they need it.”

Wilson says there will be lawsuits if the mandate comes into effect.

“We are preparing for what we anticipate will be a significant lawsuit,” he says. “I don’t think the administration will make material changes or that the public comment period will have enough (or) much effect.”

More related news can be found at

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Source: Biden regime to turn Christian doctors into MURDERERS by forcing them to perform abortions (or lose their medical license) –

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