Biden lowers the boom on his employers in hostile speech

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It’s amazing that they think they can talk to the American people like this.

In a shocking address in Illinois on Oct. 7 that ratchets up the already heavy authoritarian overtones of his regime, Joe Biden declared his absolute right to control what goes into the bodies of the citizens of this nation, and to harshly punish those who will not comply.

It is common knowledge that aged career politician Biden is merely a puppet of larger forces behind a curtain, but his remarks are nonetheless destined to go down as among the most openly hostile public statements a sitting president has ever expressed towards the people of this republic. It is a pure explication of Naked Power (again not his, but those who control him).

Biden defended his coercive and wildly overreaching federal workplace coronavirus vaccine mandates in the most callous manner. Glossing over the pain caused to millions by his actions, the fraud-tainted declared winner of the 2020 presidential election resorted to the twin themes the progressive ruling elite leans heavily on while pushing its bullying agenda: “defending democracy” and “saving lives.”

An important note: Those two approaches are not even meant to be a convincing argument anymore. Just a…

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