Biden Gave an Ominous Sign About His Health Before He Tested Positive for Covid-19

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President Joe Biden has tested positive for Covid-19, according to a statement by his press secretary.

“This morning, President Biden tested positive for COVID-19,” the White House statement read. “He is fully vaccinated and twice boosted and experiencing very mild symptoms.  He has begun taking Paxlovid. Consistent with CDC guidelines, he will isolate at the White House and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time.  He has been in contact with members of the White House staff by phone this morning, and will participate in his planned meetings at the White House this morning via phone and Zoom from the residence.”

“Consistent with White House protocol for positive COVID cases, which goes above and beyond CDC guidance, he will continue to work in isolation until he tests negative,” the statement adds. “Once he tests negative, he will return to in-person work.”

“Out of an abundance of transparency, the White House will provide a daily update on the President’s status as he continues to carry out the full duties of the office while in isolation,” the statement goes on.

“Per standard protocol for any positive case at the White House, the White House Medical Unit will inform all close contacts of the President during the day today, including any Members of Congress and any members of the press who interacted with the President during yesterday’s travel,” the statement noted. “The President’s last previous test for COVID was Tuesday, when he had a negative test result.”

While giving a speech at at an East Jerusalem hospital while on his Israel trip in mid-July, President Joe Biden erupted into a coughing fit and complained about a headache.

Afterwards, he stopped to give an explanation for coughing so much. Watch:

“And, I had a terrible headache here,” he said before coughing. “Excuse me. A terrible headache.”

Biden stopped to take a drink of water.

“And, uh, sorry,” he added. “Swallow was wrong.”

Joe Biden also got confused while leaving the stage.

The White House’s handlers had urged President Joe Biden to avoid any handshakes with world leaders, preaching instead he use ‘fist bumps,’ purportedly to avoid Covid-19.  The Democratic Party is hyping a ‘midterm variant’ that the party hopes will lead to the continuation of ‘no excuse’ mail-in ballots that would limit the damage in a coming elections bloodbath.

In December 2021, Biden told the American people “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

“The unvaccinated. Not the vaccinated, the unvaccinated,” he added. “That’s the problem. Everybody talks about freedom and not to have a shot or have a test. Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about making sure that you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else.”

Biden’s assurances about the Covid vaccine proved to be false, as the president has now come to find out personally.

This is breaking news. It will be updated as more information is forthcoming.

The post Biden Gave an Ominous Sign About His Health Before He Tested Positive for Covid-19 appeared first on Becker News.


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