Biden doubles down on targeting gun manufacturers, 2nd Amendment

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WASHINGTON, DC- From the same guy who defended violent rioters and called a 17-year-old teenager defending himself against violent rioters a “white supremacist,” now Joe Biden, in a bizarre bit of outreach to moderate senators from states where guns are popular, is once again calling for the repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), Breitbart reports.

That will no doubt play well, for example, in states such as West Virginia, home of Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Arizona, home of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, where firearms are pretty popular among the folks. It will also play well in the swing state of New Hampshire, home of Sig Sauer, and Tennessee, new home of Smith & Wesson.

If you are unfamiliar, the PLCAA was signed into law in 2005 by President George W. Bush (R). The measure protects gun makers from frivolous lawsuits in cases where the guns in question were legally made and legally sold.

Overturning this law would be akin to allowing victims of drunk drivers to sue car manufacturers such as Ford, GM, Toyota and so on if they were injured or a loved one was killed by such a person. If you think this makes no sense whatsoever, you are correct.

On Tuesday, in the middle of a pandemic, skyrocketing inflation, and in the aftermath of a devastating tornado that ravaged the Midwest, the White House was once again focused in attacking the Second Amendment rights of legal gun owners.

While they wouldn’t be specifically targeted by such a bill, gun owners would likely see a majority of gun manufacturers sued out of existence.

The White House released a laundry list of proposals which will do nothing to address the “root causes” of gun violence, namely single mother households, lack of criminal enforcement of existing gun laws, including enforcing minimum mandatory sentences for gun crimes, and reigning in radical district attorneys who refuse to jail even the most violent criminals, including those charged with gun crimes.

Oh, the release spoke of directing money—in this case $5 billion—for “community violence interventions,” so-called “evidence based strategies to reduce community gun violence disproportionately impacting black and brown individuals.” Enforcing the suggestions in the previous paragraph would accomplish the same thing and for far less money.

Much of what was spoken of accounts for an infinitesimal portion of the “gun problem” in the US. For example, they spoke of so-called “ghost guns,” which account for an overwhelmingly small number of gun crimes, included as a “proposed rule” by the BATF.

The release then touted the proposed rule on so-called “stabilizing braces,” which are used overwhelmingly by disabled persons as a means to support or “stabilize” their handguns, usually for sport shooting. Once again there is no evidence that such devices have been used in a spate of gun crimes. It’s just more feel-good nonsense that will have zero impact on gun violence. The claim that stabilizing braces turn pistols into “short barreled rifles” is absurd.

So-called “red flag” laws are yet another part of the administration’s attempt to take…

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