Biden administration tearing US apart by turning it into a Marxist society

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(Natural News) The Joe Biden administration is tearing the United States apart by turning it into a Marxist society that allows foreign infiltration into the government.

In the August 9 episode of “Restricted Republic,” host Lisa Haven said it is particularly interesting that the Biden administration is being run by former registered foreign agents – at least 13 of them. These officials were once paid to represent foreign interests and have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), with clients from Iran, Kazakhstan, Canada and Mexico.

FARA was supposed to be a tool used to combat foreign influence in the U.S., requiring people who engage in certain activities on behalf of a foreign government or organization to register as a foreign agent. It’s chilling and it matters because these officials on the list were at one time paid to represent foreign interest.

These people in Biden’s administration were meant to inform the American public about who is running their government, their backgrounds and their influences because they were paid in the past to help a foreign country.

Should there be limitations to people who can serve America? In her commentary, Haven said there should be. “If you’re going to be someone in a Service of America, then you should be dedicated to America,” she stressed. (Related: Paul McGuire: Marxist and communist revolutionaries are bankrolled by international banking families.)

Biden administration’s roster of former foreign agents

One of the most important names in the Biden administration’s roster of former foreign is Merrick Garland, who serves as attorney general of the Department of Justice. Some of the things that he’s done since he’s been in office were “straight up Marxist, communist-style junk,” Haven said. (Related: Right out of the Marxist playbook: Now they want to tear down statues of Washington and Jefferson.)

She pointed out that in 2021, Garland issued a memorandum that called on law enforcement officials to use domestic terrorist laws to prosecute parents and school board members. Yet he refused to arrest and prosecute people who were harassing supreme justices at their homes – something that is actually illegal. This, according to Haven, means that he’s not doing his job as part of the U.S. administration.

Another is Mark Brzezinski, who in the past was paid to speak for an advisory group to the Chinese Communist Party. He is now serving the United States as an ambassador to Poland.

Robert Bauer, meanwhile, has ties to German companies. When he served as White House counselor for Barack Obama, he used warfare to intimidate others. He now serves as co-chair of the President Commission on the Supreme Court.

Haven said that if people care more about the international order than they do their own sovereignty, it will result in a Marxist society that is on the rise in the United States. “One clear sign of that is not only that there are foreign agents working for our government agencies, but also the fact that they are trying to blow up forces,” Haven said.

She explained that the government is now blowing up the federal forces and federal departments, while the American people have been suffering through the Inflation Reduction Act, which does not actually do anything for the worst inflation in 40 years.

Haven said the bill paints an ulterior motive. There is no way that the government needs to increase taxes, she said. “It’s always going to end up with the big companies passing the pain to the middle class, making it an attack on the American people.”

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Watch the full August 9 episode of “Restricted Republic” with Lisa Haven below.

This video is from theLisa Haven channel on

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Source: Biden administration tearing US apart by turning it into a Marxist society –

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