BABY-CIDE JABS: Dr. Cole receiving placentas from covid-jabbed women that are inflamed, calcified and full of spike proteins

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Oncologists everywhere are reporting that cancers attacking reproductive organs are skyrocketing ever since the “vaccines” for covid were unleashed via Operation Warp Speed.

Dr. Ryan Cole, an Idaho-based frontline physician who is seeing it all firsthand, says oncologists and other colleagues in the medical field are observing unusually high rates of cancer. They are also seeing unusual cancers, including those of the vaginal tract and uterus – and especially leiomyosarcoma in particular.

In addition to the extremely high rates of miscarriage and fetal mortality he has been seeing, Cole says that human fertility is clearly on the decline as the after-effects of the jabs become increasingly more apparent. (Related: Last year, Cole warned that cancer rates among the jabbed had increased 20-fold.)

“People are sending me placentas,” Cole told Dr. Drew Pinsky on his radio program. “These placentas are the wrong size for their gestational age; these placentas are calcified; these placentas have antibodies in them; these placentas have spike protein in them; these placentas have induced excess inflammation.”

You can watch a video clip of Cole’s interview on Dr. Drew’s show at the RAIR Foundation website.

Cole is urging his medical colleagues to do the pathology and look for unusual signs such as these in their patients. He issued a plea on the program for those in the medical field to “start looking at tissues of the deceased; start looking at those fetuses that didn’t make it to full term; start looking at the placentas.”


“Start taking your surgical cases in specimens that are unusual in multiple-jabbed individuals and start looking for what could be causing it,” Cole added. “Obviously, I have my suspicions.”

A pregnant nurse forced to get jabbed to remain employed lost her baby in utero

One specific example Cole shared is the case of a nurse, eight months pregnant, who was forced to get injected in order to keep her job. That nurse’s baby ended up dying in utero.

There are many such cases like this, though they often never get reported due to fears within the medical industry about bucking the narrative. To suggest anything other than “safe and effective” for these injections often means getting let go and losing one’s professional clout.

“I think this is the problem we are having with this group think of the ‘safe and effective,’ no problems attitude,” Cole said. “But my counterargument is, ‘look, read – it’s hiding in plain sight. We need to do the science.”

Cole’s observations are shared by Dr. Ute Kruger, a Swedish physician who has similarly seen an explosion of cancer, oftentimes of rare varieties, among previously healthy young people who got injected for the Fauci Flu.

Since Tony Fauci, the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and many other globalist entities have declared themselves to be the science, Cole’s suggestion that “we need to do the science” will probably not get very far apart from a massive upheaval of the current power structure.

“But the science is settled, we no longer need science because all the science is settled,” joked one commenter, illustrating that point. “There, now the matter is safely and effectively settled.”

Another called for these so-called “vaccines” to be pulled off the market immediately – which is a nice thought if there was actually some way to accomplish that.

Another wrote the following prayer:

“St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”

Source: BABY-CIDE JABS: Dr. Cole receiving placentas from covid-jabbed women that are inflamed, calcified and full of spike proteins –

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