Avoiding Accountability: Nothing Is Going To Return To Normal

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Despite decades of planning and acknowledging their goals, now their sycophants are perpetuating one lie after another. Of course, Tony Fauci lied many times under sworn testimony to the US Senate. This was echoed in an Australian Senate hearing recently. In questioning the ‘scientists’ Australian Senator Rennick in a hearing, the answers are stunning as their lead ‘scientists’ scramble to avoid any accountability.

The mRNA vaccines were fully manufactured, and The SCAM of global governance: used to living with less.

A couple of weeks ago, Dr. Meryl Nass spoke at the Alaska COVID Alliance, where she itemized the planning and actioning of their pandemic in order to make way for the Global Cabal’s goal of taking over the world in many ways. In using the United Nations, WHO, and many other organizations, she details how they have been taking our freedoms through their declaration (Conference October 2023 | AK Covvid Alliance (alaskacovidalliance.com)). They want to control every aspect of our lives down to our DNA.

In March of this year, the UN declared that it wants the ability to define whatever emergency it sees fit and take more control as a result. They also declared that they need to reform the international financial architecture (think: getting rid of cash and only having electronic money that they can, of course, control access to). They are going to prevent pandemics before they happen! (Of course, this has never been done.) They want international data sharing, and thus, all your health records are included. If a country doesn’t agree, they assume the ability to invade a country to do this.

A couple of years ago, the Dept of Homeland Security determined that those who propagate ‘misinformation’ are equivalent to terrorists.


Source: Avoiding Accountability: Nothing Is Going To Return To Normal – America Out Loud News

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