Audio Leaked from AstraZeneca…

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…Covid was classified as a National Security Threat by the US Government/DOD on February 4, 2020.

On Feb 4, 2020 – AstraZeneca and other pharma companies participating in the DOD Pandemic Preparedness consortium received a phone call from the DOD saying that “novel covid virus posed national security threat”. This explains why PREP Act declaration in the US was made retroactive to Feb 4. The US Government organized itself for war, but lied to the public that it was a zoonotic virus and a healthcare event. Anyone who suggested otherwise was heavily censored and surveilled online, including me. They continue to pretend it was/is a natural virus evolution to this day. It appears that the DOD initiated the covid plandemic and did not tell Trump until after. Jeffrey Tucker at Brownstone has a very good hypothesis on how that likely occurred. Trump made a U-turn on his position on lock down between March 9 and 11. However, he is on video getting surprised by Mike Pompeo’s “live exercise” comment on March 20, 2020. It is likely that he was “convinced” to lock down by a concocted story, a lucrative deal or blackmail, or all of the above.

Also of interest: the audio confirms that the DOD pandemic pharma consortium was established in 2017 and the DOD, (not pharmas) was, and remains in charge of it. I knew this based on the covid contracts analysis, but it’s good to have a definitive confirmation. The AZ execs are musing that at the time they thought the DOD’s pandemic preparedness plan – from “discovering” new viruses to making new drugs for them in 60 days – sounded like science fiction. That’s because it is science fiction, even though I am sure most people involved in it believe their own insane delusions. It appears that the DOD money was very green and quickly dulled the skepticism of AZ execs. The CEO of AstraZeneca, Pascal Soirot is on record stating that millions of people in the world cannot be vaccinated by mRNA shots because they have autoimmune conditions and other vulnerabilities. They always knew.

The recording contains both video and audio, but I am releasing the audio portion for now. The video does not add much additional information, and this is an extra precaution on my part to protect the whistleblowers (transcript below).

Read the full story here: Audio Leaked from AstraZeneca: Covid was classified as a National Security Threat by the US Government/DOD on February 4, 2020.

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