At least 39% of Australians were left unable to perform daily activities after having the Covid-19 Vaccine according to official Government data

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Australian’s have currently got it hard. Swathes of the country are living under strict lockdown conditions in response to an insanely low number of alleged Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths.But it would seem those who have decided to get the Covid-19 vaccine either through their own free will or because of the coercive tactics of the authorities have had it the hardest, as official Government data shows 39% of Australians were left unable to perform daily activities after having the Covid-19 vaccine.The National Centre for Immunisation and Research (NCIRS) in Australia are currently leading a collaboration with the Australia’s Government known as AusVaxSafety. The group has been conducting active vaccine surveillance of the Covid-19 vaccines in use in Australia to “ensure their ongoing safety”.

Up to the 16th August 2021 over 1.4 million Austalians had partipated in the surveillance completing more than 2.4 million safety surveys, outlining their experience following the Covid-19 vaccination and the published results show the following –

Pfizer Vaccine – 1st Dose

Following the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine 1,007,479 people responded to an SMS/email about their health in the three days after having the jab. The results show that 37.2% reported having an adverse reaction, with 374,832 reporting at least one adverse event.

0.5% of participants also reported seeing a doctor or attending hospital in the three days following vaccination due to an adverse reaction. This equates to 5,037 people.

Whilst 6.7% of participants reported missing work, study or routine duties for a short period – meaning 67,501 people were left unable to perform daily activities following their first dose of the Pfizer mRNA Covid-19 injection.

Pfizer Vaccine – 2nd Dose

Following the 2nd dose of the Pfizer vaccine 770,864 people responded to an SMS/email about their health in the three days after having the jab. The results show that 56.4% reported having an adverse reaction, a significant increase on the percentage of people who reported having an adverse reaction after having their first dose of the Pfizer jab.

1.3% of participants also reported seeing a doctor or attending hospital in the three days following vaccination due to an adverse reaction. This equates to 10,021 people – double the number of people who reported seeking medical attention after having the first dose despite there being 237,000 less particants in the 2nd dose survey.

However, a huge 21.2% of participants were left unable to perform daily activities, that’s 163,423 people who reported missing work, study or routine duties.

AstraZeneca Vaccine – 1st Dose

Following the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine 429,723 people responded to an SMS/email about their health in the three days after having the jab. The results show that another huge 55.6% reported having an adverse reaction, with 238,715 reporting at least one adverse event.

1% of participants also reported seeing a doctor or attending hospital in the three days following vaccination due to an adverse reaction. This equates to 4,297 people.

Whilst 17.6% of participants reported missing work, study or routine duties for a short period – meaning 75,631 people were left unable to perform daily activities following their first dose of the AstraZeneca viral vector Covid-19 injection.

AstraZeneca 2nd Dose

Following the 2nd dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine 199,174 people responded to an SMS/email about their health in the three days after having the jab. The results show that 26.4% reported having an adverse reaction, a significant decrease on the percentage of people who reported having an adverse reaction after having their first dose of the AstraZeneca jab.

0.5% of participants also reported seeing a doctor or attending hospital in the three days following vaccination due to an adverse reaction.

Whilst 5.3% of participants reported missing work, study or routine duties for a short period – meaning 10,556 people were left unable to perform daily activities following their first dose

What’s interesting to note here is that the AstraZeneca vaccine seems to be much more lethal following the first dose whereas the Pfizer vaccine seems to be much more lethal following the second dose.

How do these figures compare to the harm caused by Covid-19…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] At least 39% of Australians were left unable to perform daily activities after having the Covid-19 Vaccine according to official Government data – The Expose

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