As Vaccines Continue to Not Work as Promised – Ivermectin Continues to Work – This Secret is Getting Out

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It’s time the world begins to seriously look at Ivermectin.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on the FDA and CDC’s suppression of repurposed medications Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. We’ve also reported on India’s miraculous results incorporating both medications.

Are effective COVID medications like Ivermectin being suppressed because they could cause vaccines to lose government funding?

Here’s a shocking comparison between Israel, that’s one of the most vaccinated countries on the planet, compared to India with one of the lowest vaccination rates and is treating with Ivermectin.














And now there’s more data from Africa showing the undeniable results.  It seems as though Africa has now surpassed the U.S. in its ability to follow the science and apply it.  It’s important to point out the graphs presented are from John Hopkins.

This morning, Tokyo Medical Association announced publicly that it is recommending that all doctors begin treating COVID with Ivermectin after witnessing the results from other countries. Japan has a very conservative culture and the same extends to the country’s practice of medicine. Here is the video press release:

While countries from the third world to the most medically advanced in the world are smart enough to use a medication that is safe, approved, available, cheap and works better than the vaccine to save lives, our FDA is presenting the life-saving medication this way:

In a deceptive attempt to sabotage and mislabel, FDA’s page on Ivermectin presents the medication as…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] As Vaccines Continue to Not Work as Promised – Ivermectin Continues to Work – This Secret is Getting Out

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