Are face masks coming back this winter… ?

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YES! Face mask are coming back, that is if the media and all their cronies have there way.

Yet from the CDC’s on in-house journal on May 2020 titled ‘Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings – Personal Protective and Environmental Measures’, it says that they found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks…

It’s all a bunch of BS so they can control you, brain wash you and make you their slaves. And just because the lame stream media repeat something over and over and over again, does not make it true. Do your own research for goodness sakes.

Conclusion: If you feel all warm and fuzzy and safe with your face diaper on, then wear it, but don’t tell me I have to wear one because if I don’t, yours doesn’t work. That’s just pure hogwash!


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