Are American Businesses Committing Suicide by Mandating COVID-19 Vaccines for their Employees as Staffing Shortages Increase?

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While the public continues to debate COVID-19 Vaccination “Passports” or IDs in order to participate in society, many businesses have recently announced that they are planning to mandate the shots as a condition for employment.

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  • United Airlines
  • The New York Times
  • The Washington Post

and scores of others, including many restaurants and gyms, and most of the medical industry.

This begs the question: Are these companies committing financial suicide by further restricting the labor force that is already seeing massive shortages since last year?

I think the answer is most definitely, YES.

One industry that has obviously seen explosive growth since the Plandemic started is the…

Read full story here: Are American Businesses Committing Suicide by Mandating COVID-19 Vaccines for their Employees as Staffing Shortages Increase? – Vaccine Impact

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