Anticipating the Plandemic (Playbook 12) of 2024* (range 2023-2025) after they told us that “It is going to keep happening.”

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This self-appointed and self-deceiving imbecile (Bill Gates) who never studied anything related to viruses/biology/medicine/immunology says “it is going to keep happening” not simply “it will happen again” or “it could happen again”; he knows this is an inside job that is being controlled.

  1. WHO has been working on this since 2009/2010, if not previously in the 1970s.
  2. Gain of function research continues, according to Fauci2023.
  3. No-one (including the drug companies that faked their data in order to get drug approval) in authority has been held criminally accountable, which is a clear signal to current and future globalist/politician/profiteers that they are fine to repeat these crimes.
  4. They made tons of money—millions and billions of dollars.
  5. They kept the same leader for the WHO which proves that the organization is fake, controlled, and simply a puppet organization to carry out the plans of the globalists. If it were a legitimate organization, then they would have sacked the plandemic mismanager and replaced him with someone who knows what the H/F to do other than repeat the same disaster.
  6. They tested the systems to find out how to do better next time; now they have much better control over social media, news outlets, banks, and governments so that all they have to do is say the word or push the button and the systems are primed and ready to go into action.
  7. They have detailed the demographics and psychographics of everyone on the planet in the first world who has a smartphone, smartwatch, digital banking, etc.
  8. They have tied pandemics to climate change (see BG in video above) and have thus interconnected their pandemic mechanism with another large (and largely contrived) system that functions independently, like they added an independent booster rocket onto their plandemic space shuttle.
  9. The men in charge of this are getting older so they will not want to wait too long, especially KS.
  10. They know that they conquered 70% of most populations including the “land of the free” USA so now they know how to focus their efforts in the news but more specifically through the social credit system and banking/money control in order to starve people into submission.

I am guessing the next pandemic will be summer-fall of 2024 because:

  1. that will impact and derail the 2024 Presidential elections in the USA—which is the only major country to have the guns and attitude to resist (well, at least 30% of the population); if antiplandemic Kennedy or DeSantis appear to be front-runners for the US presidency, then the plandemic will be released prior to the November 2024 elections in order to capitalize on fear and martial law.
    1. possibly earlier in 2023: They can do it whenever they want to but will likely wait until late 2023 because of the pending opt-out period for the WHO pandemic treaty which expires ~Dec2023.
    2. possibly later in 2025: If pro-pharma Biden or Trump appear to be front-runners, then they could push the plandemic into 2025.
  2. because the WHO pandemic treaty goes into effect in May 2024, as noted below:


Read full story: Anticipating the Plandemic (Playbook 12) of 2024* (range 2023-2025) after they told us that “It is going to keep happening.”

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