American College of Physicians Extends Therapeutic Nihilism into Fourth Year

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Biased review ignores protocols, thousands of studies, and claims only two government-authorized drugs can be used for ambulatory COVID-19

Practicing physicians have lost trust in the associations and public health agencies that comprise the orthodoxy.

The American College of Physicians represents internists and medical specialists.

Their journal, Annals of Internal Medicine was trusted for years. The pandemic changed all of that forever.

The ACP and The Annals have not published or reprinted a single community of care COVID-19 protocol or paper on how to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection or manage mRNA vaccine injury syndromes.

Their most recent contribution to the literature was a travesty. Sommer et al published an a review that omitted thousands of studies and randomized trials of nasal sprays, gargles, oral generic medications, and multi-drug protocols.

Incredulously, out of the mass of literature on early treatment for COVID-19, they selected eight papers and quickly settled only two oral therapies that could be used—both products of government investment through Operation Warp Speed with Pfizer and Merck and with that bias arrived at this tepid conclusion:

“Nirmatrelvir–ritonavir and molnupiravir probably improve outcomes for outpatients with mild to moderate COVID-19.”

The Annals piled on more therapeutic nihilism with “Rapid Practice Points” from Qaseem et al which encourage use of nirmatrelvir–ritonavir and molnupiravir and discourage use of ivermectin and sotrovimab (no off the market).

What about the dozens of other drugs used today in standard-of-care?

How about the McCullough Protocol as the most widely used approach in the world? Not a word or mention in The Annals.

None of these authors claimed to have treated patients nor have they published protocols or clinical outcomes from own original research.

I have concluded the American College of Physicians among many medical organizations is captured by the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex who is hell-bent on a vaccine-only strategy for this and future pandemics.

They have no care or concern for sick patients or early therapeutics. 


Source: American College of Physicians Extends Therapeutic Nihilism into Fourth Year | Principia Scientific Intl.

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