A virus develops INSIDE and not outside the body and is not contagious

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Tom Barnett studied science and medicine for 10 years. He devoted 3 years of his studies and research specifically to Mold, Fungus, Bacteria, Protozoans and Viruses. His knowledge, understanding and opinions concerning “viruses” is consistent with numerous other highly qualified scientists, doctors and PhDs.

Please watch the video here.

GreatReject · 17/04/2021

Tom Barnett: When I posted my video, I immediately had a lot of viewers, but after a few days it had been removed from social media. Apparently we are not allowed to spread the truth. The censorship and propaganda are getting worse.

Why do people think you can transmit a virus, when a virus is not alive? We are being frightened unnecessarily. The government is causing a lot of stress. If you are experiencing stress and anxiety from corona, it is because you are causing it yourself and have not done enough research. I am not making this up, nor am I a conspiracy theorist. My studies clearly show, that I have studied this matter.

A virus is not a living organism

First of all, I want to tell you that you can NOT get a virus transmitted from someone else. Because a virus is not alive, it is not a living organism. Viruses are nothing more than a solvent. And those solvents are created in the cells of our body. That’s why you can’t get a virus from somebody else. Viruses are created at the cellular level. So inside the body and not outside it. The body can create as many as a hundred thousand different types of viruses.

Why do we create viruses… ?

Article Source: A virus develops INSIDE and not outside the body and is not contagious

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