A Summer of Illness and Excess Death in Australia

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Despite “health experts” hoping that Covid is a seasonal disease and would go away in summer, Australia is in the middle of yet another wave of Covid.

New South Wales publishes “weekly surveillance reports.” Compared to November, COVID hospitalizations more than tripled, according to the latest report.


Here’s the strange part: the unvaccinated comprise exactly ZERO out of 1,779 hospitalized people. If we are to believe that so many unvaccinated people die of Covid without ever being hospitalized (a phenomenon seen only in NSW and not anywhere in the world), only six percent of deaths in NSW are unvaccinated.

94 percent of deaths are in vaccinated people, but only 84.3 percent of all Australians are vaccinated:


While people certainly do die without being hospitalized, the pattern I compiled from recent reports is odd:


The table shows that out of 27 dead unvaccinated people, only four were hospitalized before death. Not sure about you, but to me, this isn’t easy to accept. Are they counting any deaths with “unknown” status as…


Read full story here: A Summer of Illness and Excess Death in Australia | Principia Scientific Intl.

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