A Nation Under Threat by their Government – Australia’s Quarantine Camps

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We were initially told Quarantine Camps in Australia were being built to replace existing temporary measures (currently repurposed hotels and other buildings) for quarantine of travellers into our country. We were told this was required to keep our citizens safe. We were told all of the measures our government have taken during this two-week-turned-two-year plan to “flatten the curve” was to keep us safe.

Dubbed “Centres for National Resilience”, The Department of Finance claims these centres will “continue to support any ongoing quarantine requirements throughout the pandemic.” Once we no longer need to quarantine people in relation to the COVID-19 response, the “Centres will be able to be used for other purposes.”

Whilst keeping the community safe is a great slogan, over the past few months we have seen these facilities being used for much more sinister purposes.

At the end of 2021, the world saw a video emerge of Hayley Hodgson’s account of being taken to Howard Springs Camp as a punishment for not obeying quarantine rules.

We also saw a broadcast from the Northern Territory’s Chief Minister, Michael Gunner, announcing that Aboriginal community members from Binjari had been escorted by the military to Howard Springs after 9 cases were discovered in the community.

Despite being assured by multiple community leaders that the residents felt as though the military were there to assist, two of the detainees escaped before being located by the police.

Watch the announcement of the military being deployed into this region here (02:50 mark)…

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