A Few Questions About the Covid Plandemic Nobody Bothers to Ask – Investment Watch

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This is a very interested article that definitely needs some answers, but I doubt we will get any. This story from Investment Watch brings up some great points to ponder. Makes you wonder why all the deep dark secrets of this so called pandemic are being kept under wraps.

In my opinion from all the things I have read since this plandemic begin, this will turn out to be the biggest hoax that has ever been perpetuated on the United States of America and the world. But one day, trust me, those who are truly responsible will be held accountable.

Great article below by Chris Black from Investment Watch.

By Chris Black


The “virus” appears in China spreading in ONE place only (Wuhan), with scenes that look like from zombie movies (people falling down and “harvested” on the streets by special teams, things that are not happening today). Or, to put it another way, communist lies “swallowed” by the western so-called media with no questions asked.

The WHO declares a PANDEMIC when less than 100,000 people were “infected” worldwide, of which 80,000 in China (Wuhan) alone, violating its own definitions. Okay, the groundwork had been prepared by Bill Gates & Co. with simulations, fear-porn movies, etc. but nobody cares.

All States react IN THE SAME WAY with  THE SAME MEASURES (state of emergency / alert/lockdowns) as directed by the WHO.

Globalism 101.

Suddenly, after the declaration of a state of emergency in all Western states, the “pandemic” in China basically DISAPPEARS!

In fact, the Chinese economy (if you believe them) is now more or less as it was before the PLANdemic

Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Sunday that he won’t rule out Americans still needing to wear masks in 2022 — even as the country returns to a certain degree of “normality.”

Fauci, who is the master of the entire universe and the shaper of reality itself, has said that no one can go back to normal until every person on earth is vaccinated, and that won’t be until 2025. Of course then, they will have some new virus, or mutation, or whatever, that means that everyone in the world needs a second vaccine.

Read the full story here

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