A Digital Prison Is Being Built Around You Right Now

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Aman Jabbi – The Final Lockdown – Street lights that kill in Smart Cities, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), Digital ID and much more. Watch, listen and learn.

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1 year ago

There is no way to stop this. It’s a done deal. The public just comply with everything and have no clue what the real agenda is. Let the historical record reflect that humanity stupidity ended the species.

You threw it all away
You threw it all away
1 year ago

When people finally see that their lives as they know it are done, when they realize they can’t ever travel more than 15 minutes again for the rest of their lives, can’t go shopping, eat the food they want and have to live like a prisoner in a super max just remember you did this to yourself. People warned you. You chose to believe the liars on tv. You chose to virtue signal instead of standing up. It’s your own fault. Your cowardice and stupidity has cost you everything.

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