A Deadly Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated – Worldwide data from 185 nations proves the highest numbers…

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Covid-19 vaccines have not only failed worldwide by every metric, they are in fact increasing both infection and mortality rates. The more we vaccinate, the worse they both become. Rather than being safe and effective, hundreds of millions of case numbers and millions of deaths prove that the Covid-19 vaccines are not just ineffective but also deadly, and we have the data to prove it…


Data was analysed from the ‘Our World in Data’ site of Johns Hopkins University on 247 million Covid-19 cases from the very start of the pandemic to October 31st 2021, for all 185 nations where they have data on both the percentage of people vaccinated, the cumulative confirmed cases per million, and the cumulative deaths per million.

The results on the average cases and average deaths per million people were as follows –


The charts and graphs show…

  1. The above shows that the incidence of cases increases fairly linearly with the percentage of vaccinated people at a rate of 800 cases per million per extra percentage vaccinated.
  2. Heavily vaccinated countries (over 60%) have 3x the case rates of lightly vaccinated countries (under 20%) and have 7x the case rates of very lightly vaccinated countries (under 10%).
  3. Raw death rates from Covid-19 increase with vaccination percentage from 0% to 50-60% and then decrease thereafter. Heavily vaccinated countries (over 60%) have twice the Covid-19 death rates of lightly vaccinated countries.
  4. The death rates are very high for partially vaccinated countries and come down for highly vaccinated countries because the old are vaccinated first. This skews the early or partially vaccinated death rates against vaccination because the unvaccinated group have a lower average age.But by the time 80-90% are vaccinated, everyone has had the chance to be jabbed and the age skewing will have almost vanished. So the age adjusted death rate will run in a straight line from around 120 deaths per million for unvaccinated nations to around 600 deaths per million for fully vaccinated nations.On that basis this data shows that each percentage of vaccination increases the death rate by around 6 deaths per million
  5. This data shows that a 2nd Jab offers no significant benefit over a 1st jab.

The inescapable conclusion from all the data we have up to October 31 is that vaccines increase case numbers by 3x-7x and increase death rates from Covid-19 by 2x-4x..

This is not a representative sample of a few thousand cases or deaths from one nation. It is the full study of all the cases so far in every reporting nation. The results are in. There is a massive positive correlation between vaccination percentage and case numbers and deaths.

Covid-19 vaccination has been the largest experimental intervention in the history of medical science. The work of every Government statistics department in 185 nations collated by Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore has produced the largest cohort study ever to be considered. We include the full dataset used below for further analysis by interested parties.

These vaccines are reducing the immunity of the vaccinated and…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Source: A Deadly Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated – Worldwide data from 185 nations proves the highest Covid-19 Death rates are in the most vaccinated countries – The Expose


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