A Bill That Removes Fauci from His Position Is About to Hit Congress

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A new bill has been introduced that would fire Dr. Anthony Fauci from his position as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Fauci has served as a White House adviser on COVID-19 under Joe Biden as well as former President Donald Trump.

An explosive new bill, which is titled “Fauci’s Incompetence Requires Early Dismissal Act” is being introduced by Republican Rep. Warren Davidson of Ohio.

The FIRED Act, which will likely never pass in the Democrat-controlled House, seeks to impose a retroactive 12-year term limit on the job Fauci has held since 1984.

If passed, it would effectively force his retirement.

“Few people have earned their termination more visibly,” Davidson said in a statement, according to Fox News.

“His excessively long tenure is emblematic of Eisenhower’s farewell address caution against scientific-technical elite steering the country for their own ends — at odds with truth and the national interest,” Davidson added.

Republican Reps. Chip Roy of Texas, Andy Biggs of Arizona, and Ralph Norman of South Carolina are among the bill’s co-sponsors.

Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky explained why he supported that bill.

“The fact that Fauci was ever paid with tax-payer money is an embarrassment to the United States of America. We should #FireFauci,” he wrote.

Read full story here: Source:  A Bill That Removes Fauci from His Position Is About to Hit Congress – Conservative Brief

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