The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Organized Crime

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  • Whitney Webb’s book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein,” provides the framework to understand not just the role and function of Epstein, but also, more broadly, the mess we’re now finding ourselves in
  • Around the time of World War II, the intelligence community in the United States formalized its cooperation with organized crime syndicates in what was known as Operation Underworld, and the web of corruption grew from there
  • Sexual blackmail was used by organized crime before U.S. intelligence even existed. As criminal factions and intelligence agencies developed a symbiotic relationship, blackmail became a tool to achieve their individual ends
  • While it may appear as though organized crime is being combated, this is rarely ever the case. Stories of cracking down on organized crime are cover stories to hide what’s really happening, which is the consolidation of organized crime territory
  • The incentive behind all this criminal activity is not merely the hoarding of money to live in the lap of luxury. It’s about power and control over others. The good news is we can pull the plug on their plans

In this interview, investigative journalist Whitney Webb discusses her book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein.” The book is so long, it was cut into two volumes. Volume 1 alone is 544 pages, but it’s a fascinating read and incredibly well-referenced.

When asked what drove or inspired her to become an investigative journalist and to write this tome, Webb reviews some of her personal history that made her question adults and authority in general and, more specifically, the systems that run our world, including health care and politics.

“I became acutely aware of a lot of these issues with health care and big pharma, environmental issues and political stuff … There’s just a lot of things you realize as you start to investigate, like how many people have been, for lack of a better word, screwed over, or had things robbed from them … their lives or their loved ones on the extreme end …

Obviously, it’s a system that isn’t working for people. It’s not designed to work for people. It’s designed to weaken people for the benefit of the powerful. I don’t want to live in a world like that, and now I have kids, and I don’t want them to live in that world.

What I’ve noticed, especially over the past several years, is [how] dangerous people with power [target] children, to significant degrees … Really, these things cannot continue … More of us have to speak up. I felt that … knowing this stuff, I had to do something. Thankfully, for me, it eventually turned into a career, but it wasn’t planned.”

Reading the Signs

While COVID-19 took many by surprise, the globalist cabal has in fact, for decades, telegraphed that they were creating a New World Order, and even that one or more global pandemics might pave the way for this one world global governance. There were also signs that something was being planned to derail the 2020 elections in the U.S.

“I think some people were sort of anticipating something,” Webb says. “By late 2019 and in January 2020, I did a report titled something like, ‘How U.S. Intelligence Is Preparing the American Public for a Failed Election in 2020.’ This was before COVID, [but] it was basically clear that there was going to be some … push for this domestic terror agenda … and that there was going to be a lot of complications around 2020.

That stuff was out in the open by the end of 2019, and COVID [arrived] in January. You could sort of see that something was going on there, but it wasn’t quite clear the extent of what was going to go on. I think some people were anticipating some sort of 9/11 2.0, but it ended up being a biosecurity 9/11.”

Operation Underworld

Webb’s book, “One Nation Under Blackmail,” is an essential primer that provides the framework to understand not just the role and function of Jeffrey Epstein, but also, more broadly, the mess we’re now finding us in. She goes back almost 100 years, to World War II, detailing the connections between the intelligence community in the United States and organized crime, and how the web of corruption grew from there. As explained by Webb:

“The mafia and the mob were professional criminals. Their businesses were basically rackets of illegal activity, most often sex trafficking or prostitution and drug smuggling, and, obviously, those activities necessitate a lot of financial crimes like money laundering, among other things, in order to expand and maintain those rackets.

That’s basically what organized crime is in a nutshell. You have someone like Epstein, who’s the focus of Volume 2 of the book, ‘Down the Line,’ who’s engaging in sex trafficking. But he was also involved in arms trafficking and money laundering to a significant degree — the same rackets of organized crime going back to the ’20s and ’30s.

That was their realms, but also became the realms of intelligence agencies. Definitely, U.S. intelligence has engaged in those activities, but several intelligence agencies around the world, specifically intelligence agencies that collaborate or are allied with the CIA, [such as] intelligence agencies in Latin America, when you’re talking about drug smuggling.

One theme throughout the book is the different areas and scandals where U.S. and Israeli intelligence have cooperated in the expansion of these rackets — things like Iran Contra, for example, which is probably an accessible scandal to a lot of people.

It was a lot more extensive than just arms for hostages’ situation. At the end of the day, it was an arms trafficking and drug trafficking situation, with the idea of financing secret wars around the globe with a focus on the Contras in Nicaragua, but also elsewhere …

And as I point out in the book, the fusion of organized crime and intelligence became formalized in World War II in something that’s known as Operation Underworld, where the office of Naval intelligence with the CIA’s precursor, the OSS [Office of Strategic Services], formally aligned themselves with the New York mob — what was at the time referred to as the National Crime Syndicate, which was basically a merger of the Jewish mob and the Italian mafia.

The reason that happened is because the mob had taken over most of the unions, and in doing so, they had also taken over most of the Democratic party, as their power base was unions at the time. So, the mob took over the unions and then they took control of the Democratic party in New York, and that preceded Operation Underworld.”

Blackmail and Organized Crime…

Read the full story here: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Organized Crime

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