New President of the United States… ? Not even close!

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Old Joe blow. You think he’s president? Well, not so fast. He is nothing but an old career politician on puppet strings.

Meet the New President of the United States…Barack Obama

By Wayne Root

I’ve written thousands of columns and commentaries. This is the most important I’ve ever written.

This is my chance to play the modern-day version of Paul Revere. “The commies are coming. The commies are coming.” Yes, I am reporting a communist takeover. But the leader of this attack is not who it appears to be.

Republicans, Conservatives, patriots and capitalists are sick right about now. We’re in shock. We can’t believe Trump isn’t president. We can’t believe Americans voted against the greatest economy, perhaps in history. And the greatest jobs picture ever. And the greatest improvement in middle class incomes ever. And after the Covid lockdown and economic collapse, Trump produced the greatest economic comeback ever. Remember 33% GDP in Q3 2020? That was the biggest number in history. Who would vote against all that? You’d have to be self-hating and suicidal.

We also can’t believe America voted for a feeble old man with dementia who mumbles “I don’t know what I’m signing, but I’m gonna sign these Executive Orders.” And who says “There was no vaccine before I became president.” Even though he got his two vaccine shots before he became president.

We all believe the election was rigged and stolen. We all know the feeble old man now called “President” would be more at home in an assisted living home, than the White House. That man can’t be our new president.

I have news for my fellow conservatives, Republicans, capitalists and patriots. Biden’s not president. He’s a puppet. Yes, we have a new president. But his name is…

Barack Obama…

Click to read full article here: Meet the New President of the United States…Barack Obama – Investment Watch

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