Wuhan Lab *Was* Cause Of COVID-19

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A new study from renowned University of Hamburg researcher Roland Wiesendanger concludes the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the “cause” of COVID-19.

The February study argues against two prevailing theories that COVID-19 was transmitted to humans either via a wet market or a lab accident.

“To date, there is no scientifically based rigorous evidence for either mentioned theories,” Wiesendanger, a three-time recipient of the prestigious European Research Council grant.

Wiesendanger’s 105-page report continues, asking: “is the current global crisis actually the result of a coincidence in nature – a coincidental mutation of a coronavirus a bat with the assistance of an intermediate host – or the result of a Scientist carelessness when carrying out the project is high-risk research with global pandemic potential?”

To answer the question, Wiesendanger cites 600 incontrovertible facts to bolster his theory that “the number and the quality of evidence clearly indicate a laboratory accident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

A summary of the report outlines the primary arguments in favor of Wiesendanger’s case, emphasizing the fact that the host has still not been identified; the virus can “couple surprisingly well to human cell receptors”; The Wuhan lab “carried out genetic manipulations on coronaviruses for many years with the aim of making them more contagious, dangerous and deadly for humans”; and that there were “significant safety deficiencies” at the facility


Read the full story here: Wuhan Lab *Was* Cause Of COVID-19, Claims Award-Winning Scientist in New Study Citing 600 Pieces of Evidence.

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