Dr. Jordan Grant: Science, Pseudoscience, And Germ Theory Disease

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Dr. Jordan Grant’s unique humor and intellect fuse a potent message, teasing the “germ theory” of disease and poking holes in the paradigm of pseudoscience.

After experiencing sickness in his own family, Dr. Grant awakened to huge realizations in research that he consolidated into an organized presentation.

Leading listeners on an exploration of what “science” really means, Jordan breaks down fallacies and dogmas surrounding contagion and infection.

He deconstructs the germ theory of disease and brilliantly showcases why it is based on pseudoscience rather than natural science.

For over 150 years, the “germ theory” of disease has dominated mainstream thought regarding many illnesses. Is this theory scientific? Are there holes in the paradigm?

We will explore what “science” means, first and foremost, and then apply that to dogmas surrounding contagion and infection. WATCH:

Source: Dr. Jordan Grant: Science, Pseudoscience, And Germ Theory Disease | Principia Scientific Intl.

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