‘This is Now a Pro-Life Country!’: Matt Gaetz Takes Down Radical Dem After She Makes BIG Mistake

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The House Judiciary Committee’s hearing on a controversial abortion bill became the forum for a raging controversy on Wednesday after a pro-abortion Democrat made a big mistake with her phrasing.

This set up Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) for a must-see takedown of the radical Democrat. Watch:

“In questions of the person who created a great deal of confusion by saying that this matter was for the reproductive freedom of women,” Gaetz said. “And I, and I appreciate her yielding to a few questions that I think clarified that point. If the gentle lady would yield to another clarifying question, and I’m not here to make a partisan argument, I’m here to understand the effect of the bill and what you’re talking about and support of the bill.”

“You use the phrase ‘unborn child’ in your debate, in your most recent debate. What does that phrase mean to you?” he asked.

“Mr. Gates, Ms. Bass would like to answer your questions,” Congresswoman Deborah Ross (D-NC) replied.

“Then, she can strike the last word,” Gaetz replied.

“I’m finished with you right now,” Ross shot back. “And I do not yield.”

“So, so that’s telling, right?” Gaetz retorted. “I mean, I’m just here trying to get answers. Answers to questions. You, Ms. Bass, you didn’t use the words that were confusing. So I’m not going to yield to you.”

“It is my bill,” Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) replied.

“But you didn’t use the words in description of it,” Gaetz pointed out as the debate turned raucous. “It was Ms. Ross who used those words. If I want to ask questions to Ms. Ross, she could choose whether or not to yield to give the answers, but you covering for her’s when she doesn’t know the words she uses in the judiciary committee and answer the questions on something is important as life or death when I control the time is outrageous.”

“Are you done?” Bass asked. “Are you down with your theater?”

“I’m done when my turn done,” Gaetz replied. “And when I’m done… you can yield for those questions, but, but it’s crazy that in this committee, when I’m trying to get honest answers to questions about the effect of the bill, one that paves the way to abortions, that you all want to sit up there and squawk at me rather than allow me to ask questions.”

“When you have the time you could control the time,” he added. “How about that? But these are fair questions.”

‘She used the phrase ‘unborn child’,” Gaetz said.

“This is theater,” Bass remarked.

“I would like to know what that means to her, because what it means to us is that is a life,” Gaetz continued.

“Then say it on a break,” Bass added.

“You know what” I want the answer on the record, Ms. Bass,” he continued. “I want the answer for the American people, ’cause to all of us, my party that was impugned, we actually think that unborn life is a child, and that there is a liberty interest there that is worthy of our defense and our protection and the values that undergird the American Constitution.”

“I don’t think that’s too unreasonable,” Gaetz added. “And by the way, if you use a phrase in this committee, you shouldn’t have to have a senior member answer the questions for you. You should be able to answer those questions yourself. And if not, I think it speaks to the credibility of the debate that is offered.”

The House Judiciary Committee nonetheless passed H.R. 6878, the Protecting the Health and Wellness of Babies and Pregnant Women in Custody Act despite one of its members acknowledging that abortion involves an ‘unborn child.’


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The post ‘This is Now a Pro-Life Country!’: Matt Gaetz Takes Down Radical Dem After She Makes BIG Mistake appeared first on Becker News.


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