NBC Panelist Openly Wishes Death Upon Donald Trump

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NBC Panelist Openly Wishes Death Upon Donald Trump
NBC Panelist Openly Wishes Death Upon Donald Trump

He Wants Trump DEAD – Comes Out and Says It!

(TheRedWire.com) – It seems that a new book about former President Donald Trump hits the book stands every few months. Most of them are anti-Trump narratives seizing on the 2020 election and potentially hoping to end Trump’s chances of a 2024 election win repeat. The latest book is “Thank You for Your Servitude: Donald Trump’s Washington and the Price of Submission.” Mark Leibovich authored the book and has spent his career deconstructing Washington, DC, politicians for The Washington Post, The New York Times, and now The Atlantic.

It is customary for authors to make the television circuit when their books release. On Sunday, July 10, Leibovich appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press with Chuck Todd.” Unashamedly anti-Trump, the author told Todd that the Democratic Party doesn’t have a plan to stop Trump from running for president a third time. Instead, he likened the Democrats’ plan to one he quoted from a retired former GOP Senator from the anti-Trump wing of the party who said their only plan was to bide their time and hope that Trump died before the election.

The new book isn’t as much an expose on Trump as it is of the GOP politicians who supported him. Leibovich believes that Trump’s power comes from Republican leaders like Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Marco Rubio (R-FL). His point is that in the 2016 GOP primary, these two men attacked Trump as not worthy of holding office. Yet, once Trump won the White House, the reporter said they enabled Trump’s policies and behaviors and, in the process, transformed the Republican Party.

Copyright 2022, TheRedWire.com


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