Whistleblower Demands Investigation Regarding the White House’s Hiring Process

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White House “HIRING” Irregularities Found – Urgent Demand Made!

(TheRedWire.com) – Is the federal government under President Joe Biden going so woke that it’s hiring unqualified people for senior positions? According to a report by The National Pulse, that appears to be the case in at least one instance. A whistleblower in the Department of Energy (DOE) alleged that the agency’s hiring practice in the case of Samuel Brinton showed numerous irregularities.

Brinton is a controversial hire by the DOE. Not only does he have a drag queen alter ego, but he also supported an underage gay prostitution website in 2015.

In a letter to the

) deputy inspector general, the whistleblower said Brinton’s selection was ripe with political influence and suggested the new hire wasn’t qualified to hold the job. The anonymous tipster said Brinton’s previous work was in advocacy and academia, which by themselves didn’t qualify him for high-level government-appointed jobs.

Additionally, the informant expressed concern that political considerations and gender-fluid identity as a means of job qualifications demonstrated political influence over the government workforce. The anonymous source noted that if this is the case, the requirements would squeeze out better-qualified people from government service and violate US civil service laws and the Constitution.

So, what do you think? Does the whistleblower have a point?

Copyright 2022, TheRedWire.com


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