Even “woke” companies can no longer survive the insane wokeness of their own employees, and they are beginning to close

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(Natural News) It didn’t take reasonable people long to figure out that far-left ‘woke’ Democrat voters are impossible to placate because a) no one can ever be woke enough; and b) every semi-slight against far-left wokeness is simply intolerable and unforgivable.

In short, the culture that these lunatics are creating is simply unsustainable, as evidenced by what happened to a ‘woke’ coffee shop whose owners discovered the hard way they can’t ever be woke enough.

According to The Daily Wire, the Philadelphia-based shop known for its LGBTQ brand identity has now closed down after employees revolted against the owners with a demand that they “redistribute” the company — give it away to others who have no stake in it and did nothing to build it, in other words.

Bernie Sanders-style socialism and communism.

The former shop, Mina’s World, was located in the neighborhood of West Philadelphia. It was described by Bon Appetit as a business that was both a coffee shop and a “hangout spot for people of marginalized identities.”

Sonam Parikh, who ran the company alongside partner and co-owner Kate Egghart, told the magazine that the shop was the city’s first owned and operated by queer, trans people of color who have their own acronym — QTPOC — and that they named the shop after their cat.

Parikh ripped other coffee shops for refusing to “protect their black and trans employees” while allowing customers to enjoy a coffee of their choice in spaces that were not “whitewashed” — a racist reference to white people. But as the Philadelphia Inquirer and Libs of TikTok account have noted, Parikh and Egghart are now facing similar allegations.

The Daily Wire adds:

An Instagram page called the “Minas World Workers” began posting accusations against the ownership last month, claiming that they had subjected workers to “manipulation, abuse of power, exploitation, anti-blackness, ableism,” and other charges summarized in a “List of Grievances.” The employees demanded “immediate payment” and told the owners to “redistribute the business.”

Egghart and Parikh apologized in an Instagram video, which has since been removed from the Mina’s World account.

“We’re going live as part of a radical accountability process. We’re complicit in the gentrification and anti-blackness on 52nd Street. We put our community at risk with our presence as well as our workers,” the pair said, per Libs of TikTok. “With the guidance of the workers and Black and Brown Workers Collective, we’re trying to raise funds to buy the business and turn it over to our staff.”

That these two were even considering spending their own money for a business to then just turn it over to the woke mob who worked for them is just insane.

In any event, some days later, the building where Mina’s World was located went up for sale. According to the workers, Egghart’s mother, Eunjoo, was the building’s owner as well as an 18 percent owner of the coffee company. The workers then claimed that despite the best efforts of Parikh and Egghart, she “refused” to request to redistribute the business.

That led the workers to attempt to raise the sum of $200,000 via a GoFundMe account in order to buy the building as well as the share of the business that was reportedly owned by Eunjoo Egghart. They only managed to raise just over $11,000 by July 6. But earlier in the month, Mina’s World said it didn’t “have enough money to continue operating” and instead closed its doors.

It would be noted that “Mina’s World failed despite substantial media attention since its opening in 2020,” The Daily Wire reported. “Eater lauded the business for selling ‘crispy spinach-and-onion pakoras, creative chai lattes, and ceramic incense holders made by local artists’ even as it remained a ‘safe, inclusive culture’ that prioritized fair worker pay. Complex mentioned Mina’s World as a ‘lovely and queer and trans owned,’ praising its ability to ‘sell artwork and books from people in their community and make a lot of their own homemade recipes.’”

In short, these two couldn’t make themselves and their business ‘woke’ enough to survive in even the wokest left-wing part of a Democrat-run city.

Literally, go woke and go broke.

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Source: Even “woke” companies can no longer survive the insane wokeness of their own employees, and they are beginning to close – NaturalNews.com

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