Dr. Robert Malone explains JYNNEOS and who is really funding these programs

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Bannon: “What is Monkey pox?”

Dr. Malone: “Misdirection play.”

“… they already have stockpiled vaccines. For smallpox what they bought is more smallpox vaccines… The name of the product is called JYNNEOS… It is marketed by Bavarian Nordic in you all you have to do is search for package insert JYNNEOS and you’ll pull up the package insert for the product and they will find that this is absolutely not a benign product just as with the old Dr. X product, which is somewhat safer than that I had experienced with that and this product when I was working for DOD. This has as one of the leading rare serious adverse events. Wait for it… cardiotoxicity myocarditis.”

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Dot connecter
Dot connecter
2 years ago

Shocking….not. Now how do you get the public to wake up out of their self induced stupor?

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