The New Normal Is The Exact Opposite Of Safe & Effective As Athletes Keep Dropping Like Flies

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A new video compilation was recently released that compiles a myriad of news reports and headlines touching on the mysterious uptick in occurrences of athletes who are suddenly collapsing while playing their respective sports – with some of them dying via cardiac arrest.

With the alarming rate of these incidents transpiring all over the world, the official narrative always seems to be that it’s “unclear” or “uncertain” why these athletes are falling out – but other theories floating about are pointing to the COVID shots.

Earlier in April, we at Red Voice Media shared a report that, at the time, had cataloged 833 instances worldwide of athletes who’d suffered cardiac arrest events after having received their COVID shots – with a reported 540 athletes dying from cardiac arrest as well.

In Late March, Del Bigtree of The Highwire and Informed Consent Action Network sat down for an interview on Blaze TV, where he remarked on just how unsettling the matter is regarding these athletes, many in their peak form, who are all of the sudden dropping on the field.

The numbers are indeed staggering when it comes to athletes falling out and even dying. As we at Red Voice Media reported this past February, the number of soccer players who had died in December of 2021 via cardiovascular issues was equal to roughly the average annual number of soccer player deaths over the past 12 years.

Back in January, people who were watching the soccer match between Al Wakrah and Al Rayyan in Qatar witnessed 32-year-old player Ousmane Coulibaly fall to the ground, where he suffered a heart attack right there on the field.

Much like Del Bigtree opined back in March, perhaps not all of these cardiac-related events are linked to the COVID shots – but when such a significant spike transpires over the past year that happens to coincide with the rollout of the COVID shots, it’s difficult not to draw the conclusion that these jabs are playing a role in the dramatic rise of these incidents.

Yet, outlets such as the New York Times and The Washington Post will be quick to draft up “fact-checks” claiming that such conclusions are part of a “conspiracy theory.”

Red Voice Media would like to make a point of clarification on why we do not refer to any shot related to COVID-19 as a “vaccine.” According to the CDC, the definition of a vaccine necessitates that said vaccine have a lasting effect of at least one year in preventing the contraction of the virus or disease it’s intended to fight. Because all of the COVID-19 shots thus far available have barely offered six months of protection, and even then not absolute, Red Voice Media has made the decision hereafter to no longer refer to the Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson substances as vaccinations.

Source: The New Normal Is The Exact Opposite Of Safe & Effective As Athletes Keep Dropping Like Flies [VIDEO]

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