9 Facts to Remind Every American Why the Biden Team Must Be Replaced

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Joseph Biden has been able to degrade, defame and humiliate the USA and Americans from the first day he moved into the White House, and he continues to do so today. Yet incredibly, he still has about 40% job approval for the enormous damage he has and continues to cause.

From my followers all over the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, I get a significant number of variations of the same question “How is it possible for Americans to knowingly elect such an utterly incompetent leader”?  

To which I answer, “It is not necessarily true that Biden was elected and Donald Trump lost in a fair manner. A lot of investigations – that are mostly hampered by corrupt politicians, the FBI, and the most degenerate media in history – are continuing to uncover the truth.”

I add, “I, too, question how it was possible for the totally missing Biden – hiding in a basement during the whole period of the ‘election’ to garner 10,000,000 more votes than the most popular Barack Hussein Obama?”

Sooner than later, the facts will come out.

In the meantime, I am extremely worried that the GOP and all those who oppose Biden and his Fascist regime are getting too cocky about the November 2022 midterm elections.

Trump’s ‘loss’ in 2020 should teach every person that nothing is guaranteed in politics. Nothing; because matters can be derailed and or turned in the opposite direction in an instant of time.

It is, therefore, NOT a given that the Democrats will lose heavily in November because they will continue to subvert all due processes to steal the election with the full support of the corrupt and treasonous oligarchs of the mainstream and social media outlets.

Hence it is incumbent upon all Americans and anti-Biden forces to relentlessly (24/7/365) point out all the following 9 Facts, without delay or retraction:

1 Food prices have shot up NOT 7.9% – as per Biden’s deception – but 30/40% in real terms.

2 Gas, electricity, and heating costs are at least 100% – if not more – in multiple states.

3 These increases occurred months before Putin invaded Ukraine. Unfortunately, because of Biden’s inept political decisions, sanctioning Russia will add more costs and misery to American citizens.

4 Why are Biden and Democrats more concerned regarding Ukraine’s borders – 5000 miles away – than the US Southern Border? The answer is very tragic but simple: Illegals invading the USA will vote for Democrats to help steal future elections.

5 I visited the USA last week, in almost every shop there was a sign “Workers are needed,” yet there are millions of unemployed.

6 The estimated number of illegals (economic migrants, terrorists, criminals, cartels, and diseases) invading the southern border this month will dwarf anything recorded before. Yet, not a single concern is shown by the FBI, Homeland Security, politicians, academics, military, clergy, or the media.

7 Democrats are not only undermining Judeo Christianity but are attempting to eradicate them by removing God everywhere mentioned and perverting sexual education among children as young as three years old. The moral and ethical collapse in the USA is almost total. Sodom and Gomorrah will follow.

8 As a parent myself, I would never allow anyone to indoctrinate my children regarding sex or education without my knowledge or permission. My reaction to such attempts would be most definitely very violent and uncompromising. We are not in Nazi Germany or Communist China.

9 It is the ECONOMY, stupid!

Are you better off than you were 14 months ago in any of the above statements?


All the above facts should be spoken incessantly by every American at every petrol station or shopping mall to awaken them to the truth instead of the lies perpetrated by the Democrats and their media stooges.

The forthcoming elections are for the soul and ethics of the USA. They will determine the future of the Republic as to whether it will continue to be the Constitutional Republic or degrade into a ‘Banana Republic’ called the United Socialist States of America.

Source: 9 Facts to Remind Every American Why the Biden Team Must Be Replaced – America Out Loud

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