DuckDuckGo Embraces Censorship, Destroys Brand

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DuckDuckGo, a search engine that formerly ensured users their privacy and produced relatively unbiased search results, on March 9 announced it was changing its policies to clampdown on “disinformation” campaigns stemming from Russia.

Story at-a-glance:

  • In a single tweet March 9, DuckDuckGo destroyed its brand based on private searches returning unbiased results when the CEO said they were “rolling out search updates that down-rank sites associated with Russian disinformation”
  • If you were unfamiliar with DuckDuckGo, then the move to censorship would not sound out of the ordinary since Google, Bing, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have been blatantly practicing censorship for years
  • Much of the information that was once tagged as “misinformation” is now accepted as fact. While there are many, these are two examples that have negatively impacted health, the environment and the economy: The virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan and the vaccine has limited efficacy and damages health
  • Google moved searches from social signals and crowdsourced information that moved quality information to the top of the results to crowd control that marries industry and government narratives, making users hosts to carry out their agenda
  • Since early 2020, when the World Health Organization announced a global pandemic and fear-mongering by government health experts and mainstream media began, it has become more and more apparent the lengths to which Big Tech will go to censor information you receive.

One lone bastion had been DuckDuckGo, a search engine that ensured users their privacy and search results that were relatively unbiased. However, on March 9, the CEO of DuckDuckGo, Gabriel Weinberg, announced on Twitter that:

“Like so many others I am sickened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the gigantic humanitarian crisis it continues to create at DuckDuckGo, we’ve been rolling out search engine updates that down rank-size associated with Russian disinformation.”

The move by DuckDuckGo was only one in many made by social media platforms to reportedly clamp down on “disinformation” campaigns stemming from Russia.

And yet, you had to have been living under a rock to not have noticed the number of individuals complaining of censorship and reported removal of “misinformation” and “disinformation” from social media platforms in the last two years.

In fact, Google’s move to remove content they didn’t agree with cracked down in June 2019 when their algorithm replaced crowdsourcing with crowd control and removed nearly every article published on from the search engines.

The move by DuckDuckGo is yet another in a long list of censorship actions designed to keep you in the dark.

Essentially all search engines are censored as the majority of the small ones use Google’s search results. The advantage of most Google alternatives is they are private and don’t steal your data.

My current absolute favorite browser is Brave and recently they have a new search engine that can be selected in their settings menu.

Privacy-focused search engine no longer unbiased…

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