49.7% of Covid Hospitalizations Not Due To Covid

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Hospitals are in on the fraud, as they are getting reimbursed in ungodly sums to be complicit. And elected tyrants are using this weaponized data to argue for unconstitutional policies and laws in upcoming legislative sessions.

A lot has been made recently as to how many COVID hospitalizations were actually due to COVID.

New York has confirmed that 43% of their hospitalizations weren’t due to COVID.

New Jersey has confirmed that 49% of their hospitalizations weren’t due to COVID.

And Massachusetts just confirmed that 49% of their hospitalizations weren’t due to COVID.

‘They’ want you to believe this is ‘incidental’…no it’s not…it’s intentional to drive up the hospitalization numbers and inflame the narrative of fear.

These ‘mistakes’ are far from incidental; they’re highly profitable and highly weaponized for use in shaping public perception.

Let’s take a look at January 15, 2022, and see how many COVID hospitalizations the CDC is reporting for the nation using the ‘error correction methodology’ that was installed conveniently on December 1, 2021, by the ‘White House COVID-19 Team, Data Strategy & Execution Workgroup’.

What the heck is the ‘White House COVID-19 Team, Data Strategy & Execution Workgroup’?

And how are they able to publish data on the CDC’s website?

And why do they get to implement an ‘error correction methodology’ without revealing what it is and without public comment?

And isn’t it interesting that Joseph Biden used this data plus the Omicron data on December 21 to justify spending hundreds of billions more of American taxpayer dollars on inaccurate testing, masks that don’t work, and more injurious and ineffective experimental shots?

Continue reading the full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] 49.7% of Covid Hospitalizations Not Due To Covid – DailyClout

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