U.S. “Experts” Brace For Another COVID Wave

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Are people tired of the Russian/Ukraine war propaganda? Maybe. It must be time to panic them over getting another cold. Even as the mainstream media reports that cases of COVID are rapidly declining, a surge in coronavirus infections in Western Europe has experts and health authorities on alert for another wave of the pandemic in the United States.

According to the Washington Post, infectious-disease experts are closely watching the subvariant of omicron known as BA.2, which appears to be more transmissible than the original strain, BA.1, and is fueling the outbreak overseas.

Germany, a nation of 83 million people, saw more than 250,000 new cases and 249 deaths Friday when Health Minister Karl Lauterbach called the nation’s situation “critical.” The country is allowing most coronavirus restrictions to end Sunday, despite the increase. Britain had a seven-day average of 65,894 cases and 79 deaths as of Sunday, according to the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Research Center. The Netherlands, home to fewer than 18 million people, was averaging more than 60,000 cases the same day. -The Washington Post

China has already been locking down its population as “cases” of mild variants begin to surge.

China Resorts To Lockdowns Once Again As Omicron “Rages”

“They Will Not Silence Me”: Doctor Who Discovered Omicron Was Pressured Not To Reveal It’s Mild

In the past two years, when the mainstream media reports that there’s a widespread outbreak, like the one now being reported on Europe, they have followed up by propagating a similar surge in the United States some weeks later.

“It’s picking up steam. It’s across at least 12 countries … from Finland to Greece,” said Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in San Diego, who recently posted charts of the outbreak on Twitter. “There’s no question there’s a significant wave there.”

Just be prepared, just in case the ruling class decided to go all-in on the panic and people being to panic buy the already poorly stocked grocery stores. At this point, it is still difficult to say what could or will happen and what’s in store for us slaves.

Source: U.S. “Experts” Brace For Another COVID Wave

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