Injection (vaccine) data black hole? – Horrible UK data

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Australian Politicians and Health Officials appear to be leading us down the UK Vaccine Black Hole.
CISM = Child Imune System Molestation – by the Vaccine Stakeholders ; is this happening now? – Read on…..

This video highlights how out of touch the Vaccine Stake Holders in the Political and Health Authority Arena are with real world data.

The UK Data for 16 weeks in a row is showing a devastating trend of the Vaccinated – Double Jabbed and Triple Jabbed becoming much more likely to be a Covid19 Case than the Clinical Trial Vaccine Free population. In the UK most of the UK Population Coerced or Convinced by their Politicians , Health Authorities and the continuous advertising of Vaccine Stakeholder Media who are also party to obstructing the warnings from Doctors around the world. Worse still these vaccine stake holders are also obstructing doctors from around the globe from sharing their safe and effective early treatment and preventative medications to the very few among us that catch Covid19 where the disease is a risk to them.

The Australian Premiers in unison are still promoting the Vaccines.
Some premiers, like Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, are presiding over their State setting up play camps for children – where children can play and get vaccinated, setting up vaccination clinics within the children’s schools and setting up vaccine clinics in hardware chain stores…

mo·lest (mə-lĕst′)
1. To disturb, interfere with, or annoy:
There are vaccine experts across the globe that would describe applying the Clinical Trial Phase Vaccines to Healthy Children as Child Immunity System Molestation (CISM);
Do you know any Premiers or Politicians Content to actively promote the potential Molestation of Children’s Immune Systems rather than to objectively look at the Data?
With a primary focus of “First Do NO HARM”, surely the Data they should be objectively examining should include:
a) The Risk Benefit to Healthy Children
b) The Emerging Negative Efficacy Data of the Clinical Trial Phase Novel Technology Vaccines.

They (the Politicians and Health Authorities) have apparently heavily committed to what looks like a blind homogenous blanket roll out of Clinical Trial Phase Novel Technlogy Vaccines and have squashed the notion of individual based Medicie. All the while their appears to be a cover up of successfull, peer reviewed Early Treatment Protocols being used across the Globe elsewhere.

Please Share as this level of Data is Striking
The UK Government Data can be downloaded from:
An Excel Sheet Compiling all the Data and the UK reports with easy hyperlinks to the well buried tables can be downloaded from

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