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January 22nd 2021

Lt. Scott Bennett

Joe Biden is not the President of the United States of America, despite the propaganda machine (mainstream media, democrats, fake republicans, etc.) attempting to bully and brainwash Americans into believing he is.

I know because I was in Washington DC not long ago, and worked with General Michael Flynn’s team (and others) on examining the evidence and affidavits from the technical experts who provided the proof not only of election fraud, but of treason and espionage and cyber warfare attacks. Without disclosing too much or identifying people that might be put in danger, I can say with absolute authority that the materials provided by the military personnel, the cryptologists, the attorneys, and the analysts prove beyond any doubt that the election on November 3, 2020, was a corrupt fraud and act of high treason committed, and an act of war by China.

I sat down with experts over several weeks, and saw some amazing things, documents, videos, and other materials that both enraged me and nauseated me. I interviewed technical geniuses who provided testimony and evidence clearly showed me that Barak Obama, John McCain, Mitt Romney, John Brennan, and others committed high treason and should be prosecuted and promptly executed for their crimes. So damaging was the material we were analyzing, that we had CIA—and most likely Mossad—hacking into our phones, our computers, planting microphones, setting up “honey-traps”, and breaking into our hotel rooms searching for our evidence. As a result, we were moved around to different hotels every few days, and surrounded by gun-carrying Navy SEALS, U.S. Marshalls, and Special Forces soldiers.

Essentially, Joe Biden’s presidential election was the result of a multidimensional fraud that consisted of

1) Mail-in ballots justified by the Covid-19 Chinese virus.

2) Chinese Communist Party purchased Dominion voting machines with software that manipulated the election numbers to a pre-determined percentage.

3) Fake ballots transported into vote counting polls to reflect the fake computer manipulations of the numbers.

4) Delusional democrats, fake republicans, and a mainstream media that was hysterical and obsessed with removing Donald Trump by all means necessary. The Supreme Court also seemed to play a passive-aggressive role by abandoning its constitutional duty to rule on controversies between the states—and nothing is more controversial that evidence of a corrupted election of a person controlled and bribed by foreign nations.

Of course the implication of this election is that those nations and people supporting Joe Biden are going to attempt to control, dominate, brainwash, imprison, or destroy anyone who supported Donald Trump, and erase every political act of Donald Trump. We see this already with Biden’s executive orders to stop the border wall construction, subjugate America to the Paris Climate Treaty, assist foreign people to invade America illegally and grant them citizenship to vote, and morally destroy Americans through a fascist transgender-homosexual agenda to indoctrinate the population. All of these actions may of course ignite a civil war in America.

As a result of the overwhelming evidence, we can clearly see that the election of Joe Biden was a fraud, and as a result has no lawful power or legitimacy; and therefore no word, order, policy, or instruction from Joe Biden or his representatives has any authority, power, or legitimacy, and should not be accepted or obeyed in any way. To do so would clearly be an act of treason.

The strategy we should use to counteract the false and dangerous Biden orders, is as follows:

  1. Use this document as a NOTICE OF LEGAL SERVICE that all orders, policies, and instructions from the Joe Biden Administration are unlawful and unconstitutional due to the overwhelming evidence of fraud and corruption.

  2. Collect the legal filings and exhibits provided by attorneys Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Patrick Byrne, and Joseph Kline as evidence of this fraud and corruption, and demand that it not only be acknowledged by state and federal courts and government agencies as factual and accurate, but that indeed it mandates the rejection of all Biden Administration claims of Presidential authority by said courts and government agencies.

  3. Declare that any political or government person or agency (majors, town councils, supervisors, members of Congress, police, judges, etc.) that does not reject as unlawful all claims and orders from the Biden Administration, are violating the constitution, have abdicated their authority, and are complicit in treason against the constitution of the United States, as well as the State Constitutions.

  4. Send this notice by certified mail to all members of Congress, Military leaders, and state and local government officials; churches and media. “Truth is the best psychological operation, and the natural antiseptic for lies, and rejection of tyrants and their orders is the duty of free men to both God and others.” –Scott Bennett

Scott Bennett – copyright © 2021, all rights reserved

American Media Periscope

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