Double Vaxxed 27x’s More Likely to Be Reinfected – Triple Vaxxed More Likely to Die

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Dr. Richard Urso: “We have SARS-Cov-1 patients who still had immunity 18 years later. Let that sink in… This is long, broad, durable immunity.”

700,000 people in the study in Israel, just so you know, showed that the double vaxxed were 27 times more likely to get re-infected with covid. The vaccine is not stopping infection, is not stopping transmission…

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The world has lost its soul
The world has lost its soul
2 years ago

It’s a slow motion genocide. They are hoping no one will notice. We the Pundit needs to cover the hospital murders. It’s beyond disturbing how many nurses and doctors are going along with this. A hospital attempted to murder a family member of mine. This is widespread.

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