Dr. Lee Merritt joins Brighteon.TV with hard-hitting new show

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(Natural News) “The Medical Rebel” Dr. Lee Merritt has joined the party over at Brighteon.TV.

A medical doctor who began her career at the age of four when she started carrying her father’s “black bag on house calls” – he too was a doctor – Merritt has a lot to offer Brighteon.TV viewers concerning health issues.

The top link on her site currently is information about where get to hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a safe and effective drug remedy for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) that has been blacklisted by the system.

Merritt is a true warrior in the fight against medical tyranny, and she encourages others to be the same.

Some of the topics you can expect to hear about from her include discussions about the health effects of 5G exposure, the dangers of Fauci Flu shots, how to defend yourself against jab mandates using a religious exemption, and so much more.

In the following inaugural episode of the “Merritt Medical Hour,” Merritt speaks with Dr. Mark MacDonald about covid mass formation psychosis, the psychology behind covid hysteria, and how the United States of America has been turned into United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis, which is the name of Dr. MacDonald’s new book.

“Everything that was done to us the last two years was to make matters worse,” Merritt says.

“We’re being killed by omission and commission. Everything from remdesivir to not telling us about vitamin D, for example. And obviously stress makes everything worse.”

This video is from channel BrighteonTV on Brighteon.com.

Masks are purely psychological, not medical

In her first-ever show episode at Brighteon.TV, Merritt also discussed the psychology of face masks, which do absolutely nothing to protect against any virus.

“No one can really believe that masks, especially the way they’re being used, or were being used, make sense. You cannot tell me this is about contagion control when you have to wear a mask in six feet into the restroom, but then you can take it off to go sit at the bar, and you can sit at your table.”

Merritt is convinced, as many of us are, that this is not about viral control. It is about human control, and the sooner more people learn this, the better society’s chances of maybe, possibly, reversing it.

“Masks are a symbol of subservience,” Merritt says. “They’re damaging our children in multiple ways, but this is what they do to adults: they’re used in the occult as a symbol of subservience.”

In MacDonald’s view, children have been the biggest victims of the plandemic of fear.

“I first said in May of 2020 at the Orange County School Board of Education meeting: We have let our children down,” MacDonald explained to Merritt about his activism during the early days of the plandemic.

“We have failed [in] our roles as parents and as protectors of children because we have closed the schools, we’re requiring them to wear masks, we are depriving them of a normal developmental stage of growth in their life which is so critical for them to reach adulthood in a healthy fashion.”

As far as the medical perspective is concerned, there is not even a disease anymore (if there ever even was). Some people are still developing cold symptoms, but there is no real plandemic in play other than the plandemic of fear, mind control, and terror that continues to persist into its third year.

You can learn more about MacDonald’s work at his website.

Be sure to also check out the many other personalities in the lineup at Brighteon.TV.

Sources for this article include:




Source: Dr. Lee Merritt joins Brighteon.TV with hard-hitting new show – NaturalNews.com

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