Chemtrails… are they real or just conspiracy and a myth?

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I’ve heard about chemtrails for 5 or 6 years now and have also heard many thoughts, opinions and conclusions on them. But I truly believe they are real and are meant for harm to the human race.

I’ve done some research, not extensively mind you, and what I’ve learned about them would really frighten the majority of people. Chemtrails are kind of like the injections they are pushing on the world population for absolutely no good reason, some will hear and believe, and some will hear and not believe.

So with that being said, I report what I find and you can make up your own mind. Please feel free to leave your comments below.

Kristen Meghan is a former air force pilot turned chemtrail whistleblower hear her incredible insider story.

Like to know more about chemtrails? This below is a good start. Please go to link at bottom to see entire post.

What is in the Chemtrails?

The chemtrail sprays often have fungi, bacteria, viruses, desiccated red blood cells, crystalline substances, carbon, metal cations, lithium, other chemicals, heavy metals, smart dust, smart particles, nanoparticles and God knows what else.

Why are they spraying us and who benefits?

Many of the major players have big investments in pharmaceutical companies and they stand to make a big profit on our death and disease.

The elite view us with contempt. They don’t respect national, religious, or individual identities and rights. They believe in Eugenics a.k.a. as population control and using war as a social and economic engineering tool and they know that successful war requires a constant updating of weapons and strategies. The Chemtrail Spraying operation is just part of this modern day arsenal.


More links you can check out:

Bill Gates Exposed – Funds Chemtrails & Supports Depopulation

Bill Gates Admits To Chemtrails

His Majesty Bill Gates Now Officially Declares He Is Going to Chemtrail the SUN and Hide It From Us

Bill Gates, Monsanto, Chemtrails & Vaccines – The Critical Tie Points

Harvard Scientists Announce Bill Gates Funded Global Warming Plan

A Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The Atmosphere To Block The Sun. What Could Go Wrong?

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