Today’s Fake Coronavirus Pandemic

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For centuries it’s been more than evident that a relative handful of elite bloodline controllers have been calling the shots on planet earth, engaging in systematic rape, pillage and wholesale slaughter of all life forms that include both humans as well as natural resources.

But with the puppet masters’ Wuhan China launch of their fake Coronavirus pandemic outbreak in late 2019, inducing worldwide panic throughout 2020 based upon calculated lie after lie, the initial first step of their long-premeditated depopulation plan was sufficiently complete.

With nonstop mandated lockdowns and enforced mask wearing pumping unrelenting 24/7 fear porn propaganda into the increasingly paranoid public throughout 2020, the US lifespan from 2019 to 2020 has recently been reported by mainstream media to have dropped by an unheard of near two years, the largest drop in 75 years since WWII.

Then starting with Trump’s “warp speed” vaccine delivery that to this day he so proudly brags about, Step 2 of the elite’s depopulation agenda is the genocidal bioweapon that after one year in operation, by December 2021 is plunging humanity off its first Dark Winter die-off cliff.

So much for the great big lie of “flattening the curve” in two weeks for a back-to-normal life, or the incessant lies of a totally “safe and effective” nonvaccine. Bottom line, the earth controllers have used Big Pharma to globally buy off nearly every major politician, governmental public health “expert” corporate media and tech giant to perpetrate what is on track to becoming the worst and first global genocide in human history.

Meanwhile, the real experts, frontline doctors, nurses, virologists, that at great risk to themselves, have been courageously informing, educating and alerting the public about the Coronavirus hoax and lethal danger posed by experimental non-vaccines have been targeted for pervasive censorship, harassment or worse.

At the same time, 2020’s total number of human deaths worldwide due to Covid-19 turns out to be little different than any of the preceding pre-Covid years, anecdotally backed up by honest, brave whistleblowing morticians like UK’s John O’Looney.

Additionally, the near constant number of flu deaths that regularly occur every year, in 2020 was conveniently falsely blamed on the Covid-19 virus, and, as a result, the preposterous supposition that 2020’s number of flu deaths was virtually zero logically proves the pure absurdity and flagrantly false exposure that the crime cabal has been scamming the global population with the Gates-Fauci pre-concocted and gain-of-function patented, never scientifically isolated nor proven, virtually harmless so-called virus with a 99.7% survival rate.

But the Gates Foundation, the WHO, the Rockefeller Foundation and its NWO creation the United Nations in lockstep with the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset are all smelling mass blood sacrifice and like predatory sharks are zeroing in on their long-awaited  dream of one world governance.

To head them off at the pass, legal pushback has arrived in the form of a 46-page lawsuit charging guilty parties with the genocidal crime against humanity filed December 6, 2021 at the International Criminal Court. Stateside challenges opposing imposter puppet Biden’s vaccine mandates have also been cropping up recently with several federal court judges ruling against his unconstitutional dictates.

One year after the vaccine rollout in combination with 2021’s widespread death jab mandates causing millions around the globe, including hundreds of healthy young athletes, to suddenly keel over and die en masse droves, the human lifespan in 2021 is fast plummeting to a far lower age of death like never before, all by diabolical elitist design.

And in keeping with the nonstop consistent deception, the nonvaccinated have been singled out, falsely blamed and scapegoated for spreading the virus and increasing the hospitalizations and deaths, bogusly hyped to justify booster shots every few months due to the latest confabulated variant “waves” like delta and now omicron, known to be so mild that its mortality rate is zero. In the West apartheid governments with vaccine mandates and passports are pitting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated, criminalizing the death jab resistors many of whom in 2022 are slated for concentration camp incarceration. But organized resistance to tyranny is growing.

Yet with worldwide death rates surging in nations with highest vaccination – Israel, Gibraltar, Singapore, Denmark, UK and Netherlands among them, there’s no denying it’s the vaccinations that are currently wreaking the most havoc, killing millions of hypnotized, brainwashed normies dying from blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, cancer and compromised autoimmune deficiency not unlike Fauchi’s AIDS.

Meanwhile, all these same nations are busily cancelling Christmas, international flights and imposing rigid lockdowns and mask mandate orders again… so much for those “safe and effective” kill shots.

It is the courageous dissenters worldwide, billions of us refusing to bow down and roll over and die, who are holding the line through active and peaceful civil disobedience that will be the difference between either succumbing to or defeating the Satanic enemy forces of evil bent on our destruction.

But it’s of paramount importance to recognize that there will be no external savior to rescue us from apocalyptic doom and gloom other than the brave souls exercising their freewill together who will successfully outlast the criminal elite’s agenda for mass extermination and total enslavement. Having recently taken his booster shot, Trump has shown his true colors as a sold-out Big Pharma cheerleader, publicly touting that his deluded, rushed experimental vaccine rollout has “saved millions of lives,” while his refusal to stand up for medical freedom and sovereign liberty clearly smacks of betrayal toward his loyal political base. Offering his lukewarm, tacit approval against forced vaccination is weak at best.

Likewise, all those “hopium pushers” who’ve been so cocksure their hero will be coming back any day, week, month and now year, constantly moving their goalposts back after being dead wrong so many times, have also posed a grave disservice to both humanity and the world wary, fragile truth movement.

For way too many years, too many of the pied piping hopium influencers on the internet with thousands of followers have been promising the patriot millions to sit back, break out the popcorn, and passively “trust the plan bro,” as their inside “intel sources” keep assuring us that all those thousands of unsealed indictments against all those high profile US traitors are receiving their just desserts, compliments of the military white hats quietly holding the evil ones accountable for their ungodly sins at their Gitmo military tribunals and still secret executions.

The masses have been patiently, complacently, desperately waiting and waiting and waiting for any real solid evidence that never seems to quite come, that the good guys are finally moving in to save the day, restoring what’s left of our battered and tattered US constitutional republic from a tragic fate of total ruin, collapse and controlled demolition,  to destroy America from within.

Our window of opportunity for taking assertive action is fast closing. At this point, we’ve reached the endgame and it appears there will be no savior to rescue us, not Trump, nor his so-called white hats, not even advanced benign ETs, nope, it’ll be up to us alone to band together in solidarity with God’s support and guidance to stand up to evil, fight to right the wrongs and preserve our divine human species from utter decimation as an AI controlled, robotic transhuman cyborg hybrid.

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] With Covid-19 a Century of International Crime Cabal Zeroes in on “One World Government Tyranny”

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2 years ago

I read a blurb about wolves in Russia attacking only the vaccinated. I don’t know if it’s true or not but can We the Pundit look into it? If it’s true that means the wolves sense that they are dying.

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